Today is going to FUN! Well, actually, the whole weekend will be fun... I'm heading off to a quilting weekend here in town. No cooking or cleaning... just eating, sleeping, quilting and chatting :) I should get some projects finished up... if I concentrate and don't spend the whole time visiting.
And this is something I picked up at the shop... it's fabric that just came in.. some beautiful BATIKS. I couldn't resist this jelly roll. Lots of blacks, browns, and beige. I may do a braid quilt using this but for now it will be put away. I have too many IMPORTANT projects that have to come first. This will inspire me to get them done... sitting on my shelf, calling out to me!
Okay, now a question for all of you nature lovers ... or maybe you work for the DNR or know someone from there.... We found these tracks all around our house this morning. The way the animal walks suggest a cat... A LARGE CAT.. Anyone know what it is? We have had multiple opinions but would like to know for sure.
Update, have been told this is a wolf or large dog. We have submitted a form to the MI DNR and hope to hear what they are. I took extra photos all around the property.
Deb, I went here and I think the prints are canine, not feline, because of the toes. Could be a wolf or coyote, or better yet, a dog. If I saw these at my house, I'd keep an eye out for the critter. :)
Thank you Barb for suggesting that website. It connected me to a DNR that accepts photos, etc to record and idenify animals.
I've seen that block of the month , it is so pretty & so you. I'm already doing the General's wifes BOM, or I might have signed up.
Have fun at the quilt time.
Hi mom!!!!! Those prints look huge!! No way will I be out walking at those apron fabrics are adorable. Did sue just get that in? Love ya, jenn
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