I started working on Jenn's wedding quilt when I was at the quilting retreat downtown about a month ago. Four centers are completed and waiting for the gray fabric that I need for the HSTs that surround each block before they are sashed. After looking EVERYWHERE for that gray fabric, the quilt shop owner's daughter found it out in the Las Vegas area. They had a yard left on the bolt and what did I need? A YARD! How's that for luck :) I'm just waiting for her to send it out here and then I'll be able to finish the blocks and put this top together.
This is a picture of the finished quilt from the QUILTMANIA magazine, issue #77. It's mainly 4 big blocks and a sashing, which I'm going to increase. I'm also going to increase the border sizes so that this quilt is a larger queen size. I bought a "honey bun" of this fabric and I think I could make a nice strip border out of that to increase the size too... still considering my options.

This past week I received my long awaited FLOWER SUGAR fabric! Don't you just love it? I'm putting it on a shelf in my sewing room as incentive to finish up my half started projects... I'm not touching it until Jenn's wedding quilt is done and another gift quilt is finished. Those two are HAVE TO BE DONE quilt. There are two more quilts that SHOULD be worked on soon but one hasn't come in yet... an Amish sampler quilt.. and the other that should be worked on is a quilt for the guild. I'm hoping to start working on that today. It isn't a large quilt but there's lots of applique on it. We picked a song title and have to make a quilt with that theme. I have the idea of what I want to do.. just have to get motivated to do it. Then there are the many UFOs that are in my sewing room.. way to many to mention but here's a few of them:
1. Blue and white Star Sampler
2. Red and white crown of thorns
3. Red and cream redwork
4. My ME quilt which I started a few years ago ... a quilt for myself
5. Charlevoix quilt
6&7. 2 Red and cream 9 patch quilts
8. Ugly quilt, top done, working on patching a backing together
9. Civil war dresden
10, 11, 12. Three baby quilts
13, 14. Two Round robins
15, 16, 17. Three Happy Block quilts (one is almost done)
Well, darn this list could go on and on and on. I just wanted to let all of you know that you're not alone in starting one project, putting it down and going off in another direction. I think it's just part of being a quilter.
The wedding quilt for Jenn is going to be gorgeous... I love it already!
As for UFOs... they do tend to multiply, don't they! Good on you for making a list and tackling it!
Deb, your sense of color and design is amazing! Every quilt you show us is wonderful. Jenn is a lucky girl to have you as her quilting mom.
UFOs? Goes with the territory, don't you think? One of those things I've learned to live with. :)
Wow Jenn's quilt is going to beautiful. I wish I was related to you to receive one of your beautiful creations. I love that fabric line, Etchings right?
Can't wait to see what you make with your pretty bright fabric.
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