Monday, March 12, 2012

Block Tutorial for a navy and white quilt

First of all, does anyone know the NAME of this block?

This is a partial picture of an antique quilt I saw and would like to reproduce. Two color quilts are so striking. I drew this block up and found it's very easy. It's a 10" block and uses 2-1/2" strips squares and half square triangles.

I plan to use thangles for the hst (half square triangles).
Here's how to make this 10" block:

Cut one 2-1/2" strip x WOF (width of fabric) of each....  the navy and the white. Open the strips up and then lay them right sides together, then place a thangles strip on top. Stitch on the sewing lines and cut apart on the cutting lines and you'll have 6 HSTs. Repeat. You'll have 12 hsts.
Cut NINE 2-1/2" squares of white... you'll need one for the center and four around the outside and four to make the extra long flying geese in the center. You'll also need to cut TWO navy 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" strips for the geese and TWO 2-1/2" navy squares.
Here's how I would put this block together.
For the very center, sew a navy square to each side of the center white square. Then make two EXTRA long flying geese by starting with the 6-1/2" strips and placing a white square on each end... mark, then stitch diagonally, trim the seam and then press open. I press these open but many people press to one side. I like to reduce bulk. PLUS, this is a bias seam and pressing it open seems to keep it from stretching out of square. Attach the long geese to each side of the center so that it forms a navy "donut".

Now you need to attach a hst to each side of a white square. Repeat. Add one to the top of your center, one to the bottom. 

You're almost there. Make two of the rows shown below, again using hsts and white squares. Pay attention to the direction of your hst pieces. It's easy to turn them the wrong way.
Attach these rows to each side of your almost completed block and you're done!
For the quilt in the picture, set the blocks on point with solid white blocks (cut 10-1/2" square). Fill in with setting triangles on the outside edge. 

Update: I made this CROWN of THORNS block in Red and White to test it out.

I'm updating this tutorial with pictures from making my Crown of Thorns block. I'll be doing it in Moda Red (jelly roll) and Kona Snow (a soft white).

I started with the two 2-1/2" strips, right sides together, then pin the "Thangles" over them.

Stitch on the stitching lines

and cut apart on the cutting lines so that you have 12 Half Square Triangles (hsts).

A tip to make stitching these a little easier- Stitch more than one group of Thangles at a time and line up the stitching lines for continuous stitching... "chain stitching".

Open up the 12 HSTs... I press the seams open to reduce bulk.

Cut out the longer red pieces that you need for the center: (2) 2-1/" x 6-1/2" strips and the 9 white squares (2-1/2").
Make the two EXTRA LONG GEESE using two of the white squares with the diagonal marked and one of the 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" pieces.

Stitch on your marked line.

Trim the seam to 1/4" and press seams open.

Stitch the two long geese to a center piece made up of a white square surrounded on each side by a red square. Make sure the geese are stitched to the center with the long red edge facing inward.
You should have a "snowball donut" like below when done. This is a cute 6" block if you wanted to make a modern quilt... you could stop right here and just make these! :)

Now start with a white square and add a hst to each side of it. Look at the picture of the finished block to make sure these are facing the right way. Make two of these rows.
Now make two of the pieces shown below... a white square in the center and 2 HSTs on each side. Again look at the finished block when making these to make sure your triangles are facing the correct way.
Attach the shorter pieces first... one on each side of the center, then attach the longer ones.
When I'm attaching these pieces, I check my seams carefully to make sure that the points are lining up perfectly and PIN, PIN, PIN. Another thing, if you're having trouble lining up seams, try basting the seams first. If they aren't perfect the basting comes out easily. If it's good, just stitch right over your basting or just slightly to the inside.  



Impera Magna said...

Oh, that is going to be a lovely quilt... have you used Thangles before? I've heard a lot about them...

Northern Deb said...

I prefer using Laundry Basket Triangle Exchange papers. You can stitch up 28 HSTs quickly but the Thangles work well with strips. I have a jelly roll in solid red that I thought would be nice for this quilt. With Thangles, I use small pieces of double stick tape instead of a lot of pins to attach it to one of the strips. Then just one or two pins to keep the 2 layers together. It's stop and start stitching where Laundry basket is continuous. Just depends on the fabric being use as to which brand I choose.

Anonymous said...

I think the block is called "Crown of Thorns".

Northern Deb said...

Thank you, Trina, you're right! I just found an interesting site with info about the block.

Rebecca P said...

Yes that is the name, love it. I have a pink & white quilt that my Dad's aunt made for him in the 30's. I love it so much I wanted to make one just like it for our bed. Dad's quilt is a straight setting , but like you Deb, I think I will put the blocks on point. What color are you making yours?
I like the continuous triangle paper too. You don't have to stop & start so much.

Northern Deb said...

Rebecca, I'm doing mine in red and white but I think the pink and white would really be pretty too. Someday I hope to have a collection of two color quilts... one blue and white, one red and white, maybe a pink and white and I think some kind of mint green with white. Those are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I found a site where this Pattern is called single wedding ring. One quilt block had hst around the edge in a print and the center in a gold.
The site also said that this was the original name for the quilt???

Northern Deb said...

I saw where it was called Indian Wedding Ring too. I suppose there are loads of blocks with more than one name. Many times the same block would have different names in different parts of the country.

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