Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shopping at Hearts to Holly (and working :) today

Today is a beautiful spring day here in Charlevoix. It's raining which is a good thing because our fire danger was high... due to winds and no rain. The temps have been in the 80s! Unbelievable if you know our area. We should still be skiing. So it's also a work day for me but it's quiet this morning so I'm shopping as I work and put stuff away. This fabric below is called Gotham and it really caught my eye. It's in the sale closet so it's 50% off a yard or more!!!! Doesn't it have an ART DECO look? I think it would make a great medallion for the center of a quilt. The second picture is the border that surrounds it, top and bottom. I think I could cut them up as blocks... maybe in the corners? I think I need a yard of it. That will get me the center and enough border to play with. There's still a couple more yards on the bolt if anyone else wants any. I'm going to give you Sue's number here at the shop so that if anyone sees something (and like me) can't live without it, you'll be able to grab a piece. H2H's number is: 231-547-2729.

 This is a new fabric that just came in ... THE BERENSTAIN BEARS!! Don't you just love it. I like all the coordinating dots... and the blue fabric with baseball bats, balls, trikes, soccer balls... how cute for a boy.
 And here's a new one for girls with little ballerina dancers on it. So darling!
 This is a group of brights that I'm getting ready for a lady that wants to make a bright "Turning 20" quilt. It's much brighter than this picture shows. Don't you love the puzzle pieces?
And finally, another one I'm thinking of taking a piece of is this city/car/tree fabric called "Rainbow Gardens". Can you believe this is in the 50% off room. It feels wonderful! Still a couple of yards left on that also... after I take my piece.


Anonymous said...

That last one is adorable!!!! Jenn

Northern Deb said...

You know, I thought so too, so I took the last 2+ yards. I'll put it away for right now but it would make a great backing on a boys quilt or even pjs.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...