Monday, March 5, 2012

What a weekend!
First of all it was a quilting retreat weekend so that made it WONDERFUL and then the snowstorm hit. Not just any storm but the worst of the season up here. Most of our property had a foot and a half but there were parts that were past my kneecaps... makes walking through it a real workout.

Friday night we stitched at the Edgewater till late... the ladies were up past 1 am but Al came to pick me up at 7:30 since I was a daycamper. He planned on coming much later but the roads were getting really bad. He said he couldn't even tell where they were in places.
The next morning everything was white when we woke up and there wasn't any power and because of the snow amount, we couldn't get the car or truck out of the garage. It was too much for the snowblower also. 

Lucky for the retreat ladies, power was on in the downtown area. They sent a husband out to pickup the stranded daycampers. I had to get from the house to the road where the car was waiting to take me to town but BOY what a workout... that's 250 + feet of walking in 24" of snow. I was sweating think I need to work out a tad more. I'M OUT OF SHAPE!

So I made it in for Saturday sewing and stayed till 10pm. By that time our power was back on and Al had a friend come and plow from the road to our garage. We're one of the lucky ones though... some are still without power today and not likely to have it back on for a few more days. Even my daughter in Traverse City was out. It was a pretty widespread storm.

 I took some pictures of all of us stitching away. I finished up my Happy Mochi Yum Yum top... YEAH! It's on the "design" floor in this picture above. Loads of projects were finished up and one ladies completed TWO projects, quilting and all! That's Annette... she must not have been chatting as much as some of us :)
 Here's three of the ladies that had all made the same quilt but in different colors... Amazing how a color change can complete change the look of a quilt.
 This is a quilt that Dawn's mother made for her. It WAS BEAUTIFUL!
 And here's Happy Mochi Yum Yum Star Sampler. It wasn't put together yet... still had a final border to put on but now that's completed. I'm hoping to quilt it this week.


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Glad you enjoyed your retreat and was safe in the storm. Just love that Bargello! Your quilt is gorgeous, love the color - very soothing.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Safe, warm and toasty inside with lots of fun friends! Yep, sounds perfect to me!

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...