Thursday, September 26, 2019

My next project is...

This UFO is now a finished top. Next up...basting and quilting.
I spent part of yesterday trying to find the fabric i had put away for the border and backing of this quilt. I started this idea. It's pretty old. I drag it out every so often because I like it and want it finished but I can never decide how I want it finished. Well, I never did find the border fabric but I had enough of this feather fabric to squeak out a small border...3". 
So this afternoon I added that on and am calling it good.

I found ONE of the backs I bought for this quilt. I know I also bought a Kaffee that was on sale at Rainbow's End quilt shop...35% off. Can't find that but this dot will work. And I did find this 1/2 yard of Kaffe'll be perfect for binding. 
So Saturday or Sunday I'll start basting. Tomorrow, Friday, is grandson day. No time (or energy) for anything other that play!
Here's our other WIP....siding is going on...stone is coming any day. Drywall is going up, cabinets are ordered and ready for delivery and the electric company is hooking us up (finally!!).

Seems like we'll be in by Thanksgiving!🍂🍁


karenbbsnow said...

Sweet quilt, love the colours. Enjoy your grandson day today. I had my grand daughter day yesterday, like you said playing all day leaves no time or energy for sewing but it sure is good for the soul!

Northern Deb said...

It sure is! Those boys wear me out but I love it. Grandkids are the best!

Blue February block

  My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Stil...