Thursday, October 10, 2013

Taking a day trip through northern Mi to see the Quilt Barns

Today we (some friends from Charlevoix and me) went to Traverse City's Mission Peninsula to see the barn quilts. There are 15 of them... 14 in the printed brochure and one new one on a house.
I love barn quilts and have one on our barn... Photo of it.
Here are the ones we saw today plus a few extra pics...

 We couldn't get any closer to this one... beautiful scenery though.

 This one above is not on the trail... must be newer than the brochure.
 Check out the cherry window boxes (this is cherry country up here).

 This view is across the street from the barn above it... if you've been to TC but haven't been here, it's really worth the drive. And below is a little dragonfly that one of my friends picked up... flew away before we could get any more pictures of it... SO CUTE!!

This quilt was WAY up high in the antique store/quilt barn (third pic from the top). The owner of the shop says it's all velvet... sure was beautiful!
 Couldn't pass up a chance to take a picture of this little shed/barn... aren't the chickens great?!
And now I'm home again, enjoying the beautiful red tree out my doorwall. This tree struggled for the first two years but now it's lit up like a fire... just love it.


Vroomans' Quilts said...

What a great day - love the chicks on the barn though.

Barb H said...

Absolutely love all those barn quilts. I hope to have a barn quilt on my garden shed next summer. You live in a beautiful part of the world!

Calico_Quilter0321 said...

Deb, I have read about barn quilts and always wished to have one hanging, though it's not likely in suburban Southern California where barns are few and far between. These are fabulous!

Northern Deb said...

Thanks.. they are beautiful, aren't they?!

Calico Quilter- You could paint up a plywood square and hang it on your garage or house. We have loads of quilters up north here that do that.

Some ladies buy the metal quilt blocks and hang them by the lamppost or put them in the garden as metal sculptures.

And in Shipshewana, IN they have flower gardens designed in quilt blocks. That would be perfect for CA ;)

Blue February block

  My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Stil...