Monday, January 13, 2020

Working on UFO #1

My News Years resolution was to get 15 of my UFOs done this year. I have 29 on my list (listed on my UFO page here on my blog). The pile of UFOs has decreased over the years from 40 all time high🙈
For January, I would like to complete #1, Henry's flannel squares quilt.
I worked on it for a few hours today and can see progress. The blocks are 24x24"...I need at least 9 for a 72x72 quilt. I now have 7 done. 

These bobbins came in handy today as I was sewing the sub-blocks. I ran out of bobbin as I was chain stitching. It's so nice to have this huge supply of prewound ones! It was my Christmas present from of my favorite gifts every year (I always request this, don't always receive it).

So my sewing room is going to be in the basement...I have a huge window facing east for good light but it's on the back burner for now. Al and I need a building break for a little bit. We'll be heading to Florida soon so we'll wait till we're back before tackling the basement. In the meantime I'll be sewing here in the kitchen.

I started this quilt for Henry, about 4 years ago and since then have changed my color preferences. The 4 blocks that were done seem too dark now so I'm making the next 5 blocks lighter and I will alternate darks and lights. I hope it works the way I'm envisioning it. Otherwise I'll be UNSEWING a bunch and inserting more lighter pieces.

These are the lighter ones below...there are still darks but not as many. And I've pulled out the brown...I have too much of it....Replacing it with navy and dark greens.

Here's the 7 blocks on my "design" floor. I still see too much brown. I'll make the last two blocks then decide if I need to "delete" some or remake a block. 
The main thing is, the quilt is getting worked on and will be finished SOON.

So that's my 1st New Years resolution. The second is to limit my sugar intake. My family has a history of diabetes. That really worries me. I KNOW I have a sugar addiction and I also know that if I don't consume it the cravings go away. SO, I'm trying REALLY hard to stay away from it. Wish me luck!
Hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful 2020 and doing well with your own resolutions! 


Vroomans' Quilts said...

I like the mix of light and dark - it makes your eyes move around the quilt.

Sally said...

Hi Deb,
Love Henry's quilt. I have oodles of flannel looking for a pattern. Where can I get this one?

Sally said...

It looks like 3" , 6" and 9" Happy blocks. Your design? Love it
not sure why Google sign in changed, this is Sally Murray

Northern Deb said...

Hi Sally! How are you! You're right, it's just different sizes of happy blocks. The "main" block is 24" square.

Blue February block

  My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Stil...