Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Working on that Vintage quilt

I'm playing a bit this morning when I should be packing. We sold our house..yes, I know, it was supposed to be our FINAL home. But you know, houses are like quilts...at least to me...I just love designing and building (moving? Not so much).
So here are some nine patches I'm working on to be cornerstones of the quilt. 
Al is busy cleaning and packing the garage so I'm sneaking in a little sew time. Shhhh...
On IG I'm doing the fabric swap with some other quilters. I received a few packages yesterday with PERFECT vintage looking stripes and plaids. So tempting to stitch up
So that's what I'm doing, at least for a few minutes...cutting, sewing, enjoying..
Al's back! Yes, dear....just...ummmm....cutting strips off old shirts to use as ties for packing ;)

I really am! I save these bottoms to use as garden ties and to tie around rugs we've rolled up. They're really strong. My grandmother saved EVERYTHING...she was the original recycler. Maybe have a bit of her in me.

Here's my happy mail:

Such generous ladies!

And this is as far as I've gotten on this quilt. I may have to box it up until after the move .... Maybe....

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Blue February block

  My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Stil...