Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August beige blocks

I finished the August tan blocks (Rainbow scrap challenge) ...then I decided to make the orange and pink spool blocks so that I could get this spools quilt finished. But, now that the top is together, I think it might need a fun border. Maybe some bobbin blocks bordering the spools?

And these are the rest of the tan/beige/cream blocks. 

Now back to my other SIX projects.....


a good yarn said...

Bobbins would look fantastic as a border. Nice blocks for the RSC.

a good yarn said...

There are so many great blocks for this month's Neutral colorway.

Blue February block

  My current projects: 1. Hand quilting my vintage style quilt 2. Making monthly rainbow scrap challenge blocks (above), feb is blue 3. Stil...