Monday, September 12, 2022

September Sewing

The weather has been a little cooler and overcast, so I've been in the sewing room working on my four #rainbowscrapchallenge quilts.

This "Ocean Waves" quilt top is just about done. I'm sewing the last few rows on.

The Birds in the Air blocks are on the floor. I realized I need more of them for a decent quilt so I'm making a few extras. I'd like it at least large enough to use as a toddler quilt.

See those log cabin blocks on the wall? That's there to remind me to do a bit of work on it each day. It's a VERY old UFO and needs to be finished. The center was from a lone star quilt I started then changed my mind about. I like it much better in the center of these blocks. 
I haven't touched it yet this's so hard to switch to dreary colors after playing with all these brights. 
But I'm planning on sewing some today...after I make a few more HST blocks.

The "Building Blocks", below, are going to be set on-point. I only made one each month so I think I'll put these away for the start of the next Rainbow Scrap Challenge in 2023. I'd like to have 20 blocks so 10 this year, 10 next. Looks like I need to make a gray block before I pack it up.

Well, that's where I'm at right now. Still doing my hand quilting everyday (most days) and piecing the tumbling blocks EPP quilt top.


1 comment:

Gail said...

Love the ocean waves quilt. The colors are so bright and cheerful.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...