Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Red and white vacation project

What do you do when you've forgotten your hand sewing project at home? I had to make a quick fabric run. Bought a few yards each of Kona dark red and Kona white. Also bought a new pair of scissors since I don't have a rotary cutter or mat down here.
This will be a two color, vintage style, orange peel quilt. I'm cutting oversized background blocks of red and white. I cut a cardboard template to use for the appliqued peels.
When I get 64 done and I'm back in Michigan, I'll trim the blocks to 6-1/2" square. I'll add a 2" border around each for a 10" block. 64 blocks will give me an 80x80 quilt.


Patchworksmiley said...

Looks 'delicious' but I am already fretting about bleeding onto Kona White, have you prewashed the red, what is your plan, coz it looks stunning so far.

Northern Deb said...

I'm not worried at all about bleeding because it's Kona brand cotton. I have never had bleeding with my Konas. There are additives that can be used for quilts with problems or color catchers can be used.

Sherry said...

What are the two pretty circles laying there?
BTW: I love your plan!!

Northern Deb said...

Thanks, Sherry...the circles are my new scissor handles. I needed a larger pair and Joann Fabrics had a clearance. Two pair for $10, one w/ a print, one plain. Loving them!

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...