Thursday, February 13, 2020

Orange peel blocks

The orange peels blocks are coming along. I made a cardboard template, cut a bunch of ovals and started to applique them onto the white background. 
They're really quick blocks. I'll have quite a pile when I get back home. 

Al and I took a ride to Dunedin this afternoon. They have one of my favorite quilt shops there and it's going to be closing. Everything is 40% off. I REALLY don't need much fabric but it's fun to look.
I did buy this cute stripe. It's perfect for binding on a future quilt. There's a growing stack of quilt tops at home that need quilting and binding. I have plenty of backing pieces but am short of bindings.
Now it's back to relaxing. The weather today is perfect.🌴

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Red and white vacation project

What do you do when you've forgotten your hand sewing project at home? I had to make a quick fabric run. Bought a few yards each of Kona dark red and Kona white. Also bought a new pair of scissors since I don't have a rotary cutter or mat down here.
This will be a two color, vintage style, orange peel quilt. I'm cutting oversized background blocks of red and white. I cut a cardboard template to use for the appliqued peels.
When I get 64 done and I'm back in Michigan, I'll trim the blocks to 6-1/2" square. I'll add a 2" border around each for a 10" block. 64 blocks will give me an 80x80 quilt.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Headed south to relax

As much as I love these two sweeties, it's time to head south and warm my bones!
I put away my blue and white quilt until i get back. 
I'll just be doing a little handsewing and lots of shopping. The antique shops have loads of inspiration. It's this vintage quilt pretty?

So we're heading to Florida...sun, sand and warmth!

 We really need to kick back and relax....Especially Al. He's been working hard to finish all the little details on the house...bookshelves, toe kicks, handrails, shelving...all the little stuff that was put off so that we could get in by Christmas. Most is done so time to relax until spring when we start finishing the lower level. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Blue and white star quilt

I had a little sewing time this afternoon and was able to add 3 blocks to my #blueandwhitequilt

I changed the design just a bit. The outermost border was plain. I decided to add a bunch half square trianges (hst) and a few more of the stars going around the center. I really HOPE I have enough fabric to do all of this. It's going to be close.

 So besides sewing this weekend, we met a new family member. It's amazing what can be discovered through #Ancestry.
And now I'm relaxing a little before the big game comes on....I'm also admiring Al's handiwork 😉 He's such a talented carpenter.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...