Friday, July 28, 2017

Old project is getting worked on.

The fifth row of this old UFO is finished. I'm making slow progress on it but at least it's getting done.
Each row need 60 HSTs! That's the part that takes so long. The centers are all finished, just waiting for the sashings.

I've tried a few methods do making HSTs but with these it seems this ruler is the fastest. I cut a 2-1/2" of light and dark, lay them right sides together and cut a pile of  the triangles.

Keeping them together, I chain stitch a pile, cut them apart and press.

No need to trim...they are all the correct size!

Here's my favorite little visitor....summer is more play time than sew time.


Cathy said...

You're making good headway. I really like this quilt. Hugs

a good yarn said...

I always have to trim my HSTs so I think I'll give this a try.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...