Friday, July 28, 2017

Old project is getting worked on.

The fifth row of this old UFO is finished. I'm making slow progress on it but at least it's getting done.
Each row need 60 HSTs! That's the part that takes so long. The centers are all finished, just waiting for the sashings.

I've tried a few methods do making HSTs but with these it seems this ruler is the fastest. I cut a 2-1/2" of light and dark, lay them right sides together and cut a pile of  the triangles.

Keeping them together, I chain stitch a pile, cut them apart and press.

No need to trim...they are all the correct size!

Here's my favorite little visitor....summer is more play time than sew time.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Summer fun time...

Lazy days of summer?! THAT's a myth! It seems that my days are crammed full...barely any time to sew. But this morning and late last night I squeaked out a couple of hours to work on a VERY old UFO. 
This one came from a block swap I did with the on Block Central at least 7 years ago!

I'm making the sashing, which is very time consuming.

I did some using paper piecing but found that was just too slow.

Cutting the triangles and chain stitching is the fastest for me. I cut them exactly the size needed so I don't have to trim them.

This is my birthday week! My youngest daughter sent me some Kona that I've been searching for. This is FLAMINGO. 

Al and I spent some time in Charlevoix at the car show....

Plus spent lots of time with Henry picking berries. There's just too much to do and not enough time to do it all.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

UFO number 12 is finished!

The UFO of the month, according to, for July is #12. 
I finished up the quilting today then attached the binding and stitched it down. 

This is a happy summer quilt for taking to the beach and for picnics. It's all HSTs in scraps.

I used a gingham for the binding....just screams picnic, doesn't it?

It's also an I-Spy quilt for Henry...lots of novelty prints for him to search through.

Beach balls and Jell-o.... Snails and 

Lime slices!

Apples, flowers, mushrooms and even some trucks.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Free motion quilting my scrappy HST quilt

My HST quilt top is basted. Time to get it quilted.

I picked a soft pink/peach fabric for the's quiet enough that it won't fight with all the design on the front.

The white thread and swirls aren't very visible on the front....
But they show up on the back.

It's about 3/4 of the way done...probably going to take a few day to complete. My back gets really tired if I try to do too much in one day. AND it's hot out...not the time of year to be buried under a 

And when it gets too hot and I'm not quilting, I'm playing with my favorite little man, Henry.

Cherry pillow for Cherry Festival

Cherry Festival is over!!! It's fun, for a bit but OH THE TRAFFIC!! 
I hid out at home during part of it and did some sewing. 

I wanted a pillow for the entry seat that fit the season. Lori Holts cherry block was perfect.

I had some small scraps of green plus this cute black and white fabric that says Eat It All!

At the Suttons Bay quilt shop, I found a FQ of Lori Holts pink cherry adorable.

And the backing was a FQ left over from a quilt made YEARS ago.

I didn't do a TON of sewing lately but at least STARTED AND FINISHED something. :)

Thursday, July 6, 2017

A little sewing, lots of beach time

There has been very little stitching around here the last few days. Al and I biked around town and relaxed at the beach.

Today we hit a new park on a large lake north of us...very pretty. Until a storm popped up.
Babysitting tonight and tomorrow...then maybe a little sewing. 
Summer :)

Monday, July 3, 2017

Making my July scrap blocks

Four blue unnamed blocks have been added to my pile of Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks. Sixteen more of these and I'll call it done. I need pink, orange, brown and a few of colors already made.

This quilt needs 12 blocks in total so an orange, pink, brown, black, and tan? Maybe? 

Today these SPOOLS blocks will be put together and will be added to the pile. There will be twenty of these.

But first Al and I are enjoying brunch at Red Spire. If you're ever looking for a great little breakfast/brunch restaurant in Traverse City, check out this one in the Commons (the old insane asylmn!) The Commons is a fun area to shop and eat.


My breakfast is here!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

July is blue

Blue blocks are being stitched up...

Lots of blue blocks!
Cherry Festival is happening downtown....crowds, congestion, I'm happily staying home and sewing.

I also have this top ready for quilting...and it just so happens that it is the UFO of the month for July...perfect! I should have this months projects wrapped up quickly.

And this is much better that carnival lights...I may just stay home all month :)

Saturday, July 1, 2017

UFO and color for July

The scrappy color for July is BLUE💙💙 if you're playing along with the RAINBOW SCRAP CHALLENGE.
The Patchwork Times UFO for this month is #12.
Time to grab my blue scraps and start stitching.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...