Monday, May 13, 2013

My UFOs are out of the closet!

Here's a thought... Once in a while on Monday mornings, I'm going to look through my sewing room to see how many UFOs are still lurking in boxes and bags and on hangers and containers in my sewing room closet. I'm going to pull them out and COUNT. These are what I SHOULD be working on...
So to get started today, I took pictures of my UFOs... most of them anyways. I'm going to REALLY REALLY try to work on these throughout the rest of the year (and next year) and get them out the door. Maybe by organizing them and prioritizing, it'll get done.
 The first three in the picture above are really ALMOST done. The top left is a round robin from 3 or so years ago... just needs a couple more borders and to be quilted. It will be Al's. The bottom left is a round robin from the year before the first... it needs borders and blocks and to be quilted. The Amish with a twist quilt top is finished. Just have to decide on a backing and get it to a quilter (too large for me to do on my home machine).
 Now these.... well, they're getting pretty old. The halloween quilt is going to the top of the list so that it's ready for October. That's doable, right?
The snowflake quilt needs a few more blocks but I don't think I'll work on that till winter.
And cute little Blue Sue? ... well, maybe if my daughter gets pregnant and finds out it's a girl, I'll get going on that one. I enjoy working on it but there are more pressing things to get done first.
 Okay... Top left is my "ME" quilt. That one is a round robin I'm doing myself for myself. It's a very selfish quilt ..haha... it'll be just for me and I'm being very fussy about the work in it. Of course that means it might NEVER BE FINISHED.
Below it is something I started as a sample to show how to do dresdens. That one might be worked on soon. It's bright and fun and enjoyable to play with.
The maple leaf quilt in the back is my OLDEST UFO. It's from the 1980's and is being hand quilted.... so someday that will be finished but probably not in this century.
The little doll quilt should be done soon... just needs a little quilting and binding.
AND THAT DARN aqua and black quilt... have any you're really tired of looking at? Well, my brother John likes this one so I need to finish it up quick, get it in the mail to him and never have to look at it again...
 A few of my favorites are in this pile. The blue and white is a joy to work on... just need the time.
The red and white crown of thorns is another that I really enjoy and cant wait to own... same problem.. too many quilts, not enough hours in the day.
Just peeking out at the top is a 30's Repro dresden on aqua. This will probably be for a grandchild someday so no rush on that. All the blocks are done. Just needs sashing and borders.
Top right corner is my Charlevoix quilt. It's another quilt top that is almost done... blocks are made, just have to stitch them all together.
The bottom left is the Judie Rothemal challenge quilt (no cutting yet)... just fabrics. I've designed a quilt and am ready to start cutting and sewing. This is TOP of my list (after I finish a sample for the shop, a repair job, a gift and a row robin)... that shouldn't take too long... (AHHHHH!!!! )
In the middle bottom is a UFO from, oh gosh, maybe 5 or 6 years ago? Some of the block central ladies might know. I won some Happy Blocks then made a bunch more to work with them and started adding the 1/2 square triangles around. This is another that I really like but, again, TIME... No TIME!
And the last one in the picture is Farmer's Wife. The Farmer's Wife blocks are done and will be set alternately with the white and aqua blocks. Think this one will have to be put on hold for awhile.
 The left most quilt is my SEVEN SISTERS STARS being done for my daughter Lisa... a someday quilt for her someday wedding (you just never know). It's five years in the making and the top is half done. Since she's not in a hurry to marry, I just might get it done in time (needs to be hand quilted after I'm done hand piecing it).
The stars in the background (civil war lone stars) are another project that I enjoy working on but it takes time and concentration. Maybe this winter? I have four of the 12 (or 9) blocks done.
On the floor is a strippy 30's coverlet. This just needs a few more aqua strips added to the back to cover up the seams and then to be bound... still... it might take years to finish this.
Now these three have been worked on lately and two of them might get finished this year. The top left is another Block Central block swap's from 2009 and right now, I'm quilting it. This goes to Jennifer. I was going to keep it but she loves it and that's all I need to hear to give a quilt up.
The one on the top right is my civil war medallion quilt. At the last retreat I went to, I started adding the flying geese. Probably take till the next retreat to work on it again... but that's ok... it's not going to anyone as of yet.
The Christmas quilt top is ALMOST pieced. I need one more 12" Christmas block from someone to finish it up. These blocks are all from different quilters that I met through forums. We've done block trades at Christmas. This is three years of trades. Hoping to finish this one up this summer so I have it for Christmas.

OH THAT FEELS GOOD.... all my quilting UFOs (well most) have come out of the closet. Now to get to work on something else ;)


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh my!! Just grab one and play.

Di said...

LOL Deb! So many UFOs would really upset me, so I loved your very last sentence. It's not that I don't have just as many lurking in my cupboard, but I prefer not to let them out too often :-))

Karen said...

Fun seeing all the different projects you have going. The Amish quilt got my attention right away. It looks gorgeous. I have wanted to make a quilt from all solids but have never done it.

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