Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baking, Cooking and Stitching...

This past weekend was Al's 60th birthday. We had a party for him and his good friend, Joe, who also turned 60 the day after Al. Instead of a cake, we brought cupcakes to the resturant. I think we ended up making about 130. Turned out to be a wonderful party... lots of good friends, some family from downstate and lots of good food.
So today I'm back to working on projects and also cooking some pasta sauce. Daughter Jenns hubby, Jon, is having a birthday this weekend but they won't be in town. So we're celebrating with them this evening...we're bringing spagetti and meatballs, she's making the rolls and salad. While the sauce cooks, this Sail Away shop sample is getting worked on. Right now I'm trying to get all the sailboats appliqued on.... then a couple of clouds need to be added and it'll be ready to quilt. It's not a large quilt, probably a wall hanging size. Don't you just love the last row? That's perfect for this scene.

 And this is the other thing I was working on lately. This is the MONDO bag done in fall tone batiks. This one is for mom... it'll be a good size for her to pack up supplies when she needs to go to the hospital.
 The other day I showed almost all my UFOs... but I couldn't find a few... so here are the last three. The black and white with lime is a finished top, needs me to pick out a backing and get it quilted. The redwork has a way to go. It needs 12 blocks of redwork, there are 7 done. And the blue blocks in the upper right corner are a WIN from Hearts to Holly, block frenzy. Cassidy and I each won some blocks. These are just waiting for inspiration and sashing.


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, more May birthdays! I will be 60 too - no cupcakes for me though. Maybe pizza.

Northern Deb said...

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Ya know, 60 is the new 40...

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...