Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Contest and a new pattern for BEGINNERS!

I've been working on a project for the last couple of days... a pattern for brand new quilters. While working at the quilt shop, I've had a few ladies come in looking for a VERY easy quilt pattern... something to make for a baby that would be quick, easy and perfect for a beginner. Since we didn't really have one, I explained how I made my first quilt. After showing a few people how to do it, it hit me... just write it all down in a pattern. So here it is:

It's SUPER simple and very reasonable to make. The pattern uses 5" precuts (one pack or two), a little extra yardage if using one precut pack, some batting and backing. The sample is made using a Moda charm pack, "Sunkissed". Hearts to Holly has the charm packs and this pretty backing. They also carry the batting, which I tried for the first time. It's a very soft and fluffy, poly. It'll hold up well for lots of washing and feels SOOOO good! The sample will be hangin in the quilt shop if anyone is out that way and wants to feel it. There's no quilting or binding for this quilt, just turn and tack. It could be tied (like we did in the old days) but I found tacking quick and easy. You can get the pattern at Hearts to Holly or email me at northerndeb@ymail.com.

Wouldn't this be a cute quilt for a new puppy or kitten? I think I might just have to make one in a doggie print.... ohhhh... and FLANNEL?! Nice :)

Just a note: The rocker in the photo? It's a child's rocker... was my mom's when she was young. It's been up in the barn for a while and I decided it needed to be in my daughters old room now that there's extra space. Someday, I'll have some grandchildren that will use it .... I HOPE!


Just become one of my followers and leave a comment for a chance to win this (or one of my others, your choice) pattern plus a FQ of SUNKISSED. Leave a way for me to contact you... your blog address or email.

I'll draw a name in two weeks... June 15th... GOOD LUCK :)


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on your pattern release - it's nice to see something for the beginner. Love the light grey mix with charms - just bought some to play with. (already a follower)

Rebecca P said...

What a sweet quilt Deb, You are so talented. Love the soft charm sqs. I already follow you.

Impera Magna said...

What a great idea... when I started quilting, I needed some basic stuff and it was hard to find. Congratulations on your new pattern... it's a good one!

I'm already a follower... :)

Dorian said...

Congrats on your pattern Deb, looks quick, easy and fantastic!!

I LOVE Sunkissed, would love to win some :)

Scrapatches said...

May this pattern be the first of many in a long line of successful patterns. WTG, Design Diva Deb!! Cute quilt. Sew quick. A chance to win a free pattern and FQ? I'm right there following you, girl ... ;)Pat

Agnes said...

That certainly is a good beginner pattern and so quick to put together.

Tiffaney said...

Congrads on your pattern.

Margaret said...

I admire anyone who can make a pattern. I can never follow my own when I write out the directions.

Jeannette said...

Is that you sitting so pretty on the rock?

I have followed you for a long time. My sewing is so back burner with this job I have, but I enjoy seeing what you are up to. Maybe some new cloth would knock me into gear.

Kelly said...

So great to see more beginner patterns on the market again!!!

Northern Deb said...

Okay, I did the draw this morning and......... VROOMAN' QUILTS is the winner!! Congratulations!!!! I'll start a new posting with details :)

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