Monday, May 9, 2011

Mom's Day

I had a wonderful Mother Day, yesterday. Jenn bought me some underthings (Boy, I needed these!) After breakfast Jenn and I spent some time working in her boyfriends backyard, doing landscaping. I love gardening, it's so nice to work outside playing in the dirt (even if it's backbreaking sometimes).

We stopped by a shop to pick up some flowers (for her) and veggies (for my garden) plus dirt, compost, chips... all the regular stuff. She bought me lunch and then we headed back to town.

Al dug out an apple tree from our back. He ran out of room in the orchard so this one was waiting in my garden, waiting for us to find it a spot. Jenn decided to give it a home. The tree is planted and so are some daffodils from our backyard, a clump of irises, a foxglove she bought and a few other extas. I should have taken a before and after picture... it's looking really nice.

And what did I get from Lisa? Well, her gift came in the mail today. She bought me a turntable cutting board (Olfa), a hexagon template (one of the only templates I don't have) and some fabrics. What a nice pile of goodies!

Thanks Jenn and Lisa!! You both always find the perfect gifts. I had a great Mother's Day! :)


Impera Magna said...

Sounds like the perfect Mothers Day weekend to me!

Michele said...

How fun! You will love the rotating cutting mat! They are wonderful!

Martha said...

I have just entered the world of bloggers and I have probably looked at least 100 so far, but I actually read about 9 pages of your site this morning. I so enjoyed looking at your work and reading your words. I have bookmarked your site and will look forward to checking in every so often to see what you are doing. Don't know exactly how this works yet but my blog is Living Life and I hope you will visit and let me know if you like it.

Northern Deb said...

Thank you for the visit Martha. I will come visit your site soon. Today Al and I are out travelling (it's our 30th aniversary!) so I won't be online too long. Just enough time to get a new posting up.

March rainbow block

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