Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quilting and Making Applesauce

Today was a perfect fall day... perfect for quilting and making applesauce... I had 15 pounds of apples left from my 50 pound bag I bought a couple of weeks ago at the farm market. It was quite a deal... 50 lbs for $5!! Couldn't pass that up!
I cut up MOST of them... still have a few left... and they filled the pot to the top. Almost couldn't get the sugar and cinnamon in.
Some of the apples had brown spots and were getting a little soft... doesn't hurt the sauce a bit :) Sure tastes yummy! The extra apples will just have to go into a pie.
Now back to the sewing room.....


Quiltluver said...

Mmmm, I can almost smell and taste it from here...

Rebecca P said...

Yummy, I'll be right over for a bowl, I'll bring some tea.

Northern Deb said...

You have a deal, Rebecca! Let me pop some applesauce cake in the oven first :)

Rebecca P said...

Oh, I love cake.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...