Thursday, October 20, 2022

Quilt tops everywhere!

 I'm working on quilt top number 19? I think. The stack of tops is huge...almost overwhelming. But my thought is, get the started quilts all made into tops then slowly quilt them next year. This current one is a #rainbowscrapchallenge quilt. I'm just finishing up a few blocks then I'll sew it together.

I make the block oversize then trim it to a perfect 8-1/2".
The strips are all scraps that were sorted into color piles earlier in the year. I didn't really have a plan with these but then I laid them out in rainbow order and loved it.
And now I want to add a border to each side. I thought a fringe looking border might be cute but as I look at the pictures I'm changing my mind. I may cut large half square triangle blocks instead. We'll see....

This is my pile of tops. Eighteen more almost done. Three more partial tops on my sewing table. I think next year I'll be donating some quilts to the hospital. Plenty to go around! 😱😁

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March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...