Monday, December 14, 2020

And...I'm back to sewing

Maybe it's a cold weather thing but my sewjo is back. And so is winter! We just had 6" dumped on us! It's beautiful and cold and it makes me want to curl up in a nice warm quilt by the fire...but also to sew!
I added a few more rows so my Thimble Quilt about 31 rows long now.
All the scrap fabrics were cut into thimble shapes so I just need to sew...just keep sewing...just keep sewing (reminds me of Dory in the Finding Nemo movie)
When I finally have the last row on, I know there will be leftover thimble pieces. Do I make a second quilt like this? Or do I give them away? I considered that but it's such a specific template... Maybe I'll do a few mug rugs. Those are always fun to have and to give. 
Here's the entrance to my backyard...a bit of snow, you say? 😂 Yes! It is! But that's why I love living in northern Michigan. It's alway so beautiful and the weather is always changing.  



karenbbsnow said...

Love your scrappy thimble finish, and the snowy scene out your window. All our snow has melted here in South Western Ontario ... eagerly awaiting the next snowfall!

Northern Deb said...

My brother lives in the U.P. of Michigan and he's like snow. Here in Traverse City, we're loaded with it. But it's nice for Christmas.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...