I have to say, I'm truly enjoying this process...creating this scrap quilt. This started as a way of cleaning up my stash, my scraps, my strips ...but this scrappy thimble quilt has become a daily therapy. It's my escape for an hour or so to just doing mindless sewing. I grab a bunch of pre-cut thimble pieces out of the tin I keep them in and start piecing. There's no "right" way to match them. I just make sure there's some contrast between the two pieces but other than that, no rules.

Today was super busy...we had the grandboys so I didn't get to sew AT ALL.
So tomorrow I'll be making up for that and sew up 2 rows to add to the 27 rows done so far.
There's ONE fabric that has driven me crazy and I really wish I hadn't used it.
Look at the picture below...
See the red one in the center. It has those white lines, which look like threads. You wouldn't believe how many time I've plucked at those "threads" to pick them off the quilt top.
And you would think I'd learn but NOPE, I keep doing it. 😂
So, would you like to make a scrappy quilt similar to this one? Go for it! I put off starting this thimble quilt for a long time and WHY? When you have a closest full of half started quilts like me, you might feel some guilt BUT you shouldn't. Quilting is our hobby and relaxation, right? So create!
I'm working on 3 quilts at once right now. Everyday I try to do one row on the thimble quilt and after that I do a bit on one of my other projects. There are days I want to sew for hours and then days I don't pull out my machine at all. My hobby, my rules😉
I'm thinking of starting something else new tomorrow after I make my 2 rows. What, you ask? Well...I need a Christmas tablerunner. No idea what kind...I'll probably look on Pinterest for ideas.