Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas 2020

 Here we are...almost to the end of the year! Can you believe it? 

Al and I enjoyed a relaxing Christmas with just our girls (and families). Michigan is under restrictions restaurants or bars are open. We didn't visit with any other family. My brothers we at their house in the U.P., my dad was alone at his place downstate, my sister was with her family downstate and all of Al's siblings were at their homes. Just a very quiet holiday. 

We were lucky enough to have a nice dumping of snow just before the holidays started...a good 8". I just love having a white Christmas. Al doesn't agree with me but he hates shoveling and snowblowing. 

When Lisa came up she brought her annual gingerbread "house". Every year she improves upon the year before.  This year she made two AT-ATs (from Star Wars) for her nephews. They were adorable.... Well, as adorable as is possible for attack vehicles! 
She tied ropes (licorice) around their legs, which is how the good guys toppled them in the movie.
Isn't she talented?!! 

Henry was so happy to see that the gingerbread structure for this year was this. 
Our tradition is to break the structure open, starting with the youngest. Charlie gave one a good smack with a wooden hammer, crushing in the side and then Henry delivered a fatal blow to the other.  Lisa had lots of surprises and candies hidden inside. 

This was a new gingerbread cookie recipe that Lisa tried out and it was really tasty. The boys gobbled it up, and a bunch of candy too, until Jenn put a stop to that!😂 
They weren't the only ones with too many treats. I made a bunch of cookies and a coffee cake (which Lisa decorated for me). 

I KNOW I put on a few pounds with this holiday😣 

So now it's just Al and I here in the house. 
He's back to working on finishing the basement off (including my sewing room!) 
And I'm working on my thimble quilt. I haven't touched it in a week or so. I'd REALLY love to get it done by the end of the year but that's not happening. So I'll work on it and finish it in the beginning of the new year. 
I didnt accomplish anywhere near what I hoped to this year but still, I had finishes. And that's a good thing in this horrible, crazy year. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

And...I'm back to sewing

Maybe it's a cold weather thing but my sewjo is back. And so is winter! We just had 6" dumped on us! It's beautiful and cold and it makes me want to curl up in a nice warm quilt by the fire...but also to sew!
I added a few more rows so my Thimble Quilt about 31 rows long now.
All the scrap fabrics were cut into thimble shapes so I just need to sew...just keep sewing...just keep sewing (reminds me of Dory in the Finding Nemo movie)
When I finally have the last row on, I know there will be leftover thimble pieces. Do I make a second quilt like this? Or do I give them away? I considered that but it's such a specific template... Maybe I'll do a few mug rugs. Those are always fun to have and to give. 
Here's the entrance to my backyard...a bit of snow, you say? 😂 Yes! It is! But that's why I love living in northern Michigan. It's alway so beautiful and the weather is always changing.  


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Reading, working, cooking but no sewing

I ran out of sew mojo today. It's been a hectic week with babysitting the grandboys, working on the basement and cooking up a storm. 
Restaurants and bars are closed here in Michigan for another week so I've been cooking and cooking. We could have done some carryout but by time it gets home it's cold or soggy or dry. It's just easier to cook all our meals at home.
So besides cooking and baking, I'm painting ceilings and Al is doing trim. The sewing room has walls and doors. It has trim around the windows and maybe shelves in the closet by now (his current project).

 I'm taking a break to read a bit from my this novel. It's different, can't really say if I like it yet.
Yesterday I did some cleaning and decorating for the holidays. Usually I enjoy decorating but this year...I'm just not feeling it. I'll probably just do the minimal... like the tree and the table. I put a few lights outside because the grandkids love them. 

So back to quilting...i have NO urge to sew today. I debated bringing out my sewing machine and doing one row on my thimble quilt but decided to wait till tomorrow. Maybe I'll feel like it then.

For now, I'm just going to read.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Scrap quilts are my favorite

I have to say, I'm truly enjoying this process...creating this scrap quilt. This started as a way of cleaning up my stash, my scraps, my strips ...but this scrappy thimble quilt has become a daily therapy. It's my escape for an hour or so to just doing mindless sewing. I grab a bunch of pre-cut thimble pieces out of the tin I keep them in and start piecing. There's no "right" way to match them. I just make sure there's some contrast between the two pieces but other than that, no rules.
Today was super busy...we had the grandboys so I didn't get to sew AT ALL. 
So tomorrow I'll be making up for that and sew up 2 rows to add to the 27 rows done so far.
There's ONE fabric that has driven me crazy and I really wish I hadn't used it.
Look at the picture below...

See the red one in the center. It has those white lines, which look like threads. You wouldn't believe how many time I've plucked at those "threads" to pick them off the quilt top. 
And you would think I'd learn but NOPE, I keep doing it. 😂
So, would you like to make a scrappy quilt similar to this one? Go for it! I put off starting this thimble quilt for a long time and WHY? When you have a closest full of half started quilts like me, you might feel some guilt BUT you shouldn't. Quilting is our hobby and relaxation, right? So create! 
I'm working on 3 quilts at once right now. Everyday I try to do one row on the thimble quilt and after that I do a bit on one of my other projects. There are days I want to sew for hours and then days I don't pull out my machine at all. My hobby, my rules😉 
I'm thinking of starting something else new tomorrow after I make my 2 rows. What, you ask? Well...I need a Christmas tablerunner. No idea what kind...I'll probably look on Pinterest for ideas.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Quilting on Thanksgiving

I have 22 rows on my Thimble quilt so just 14 to go! And this is what I'll be working on today. 
I haven't always been able to make my daily row but somedays I made two so I'm right on schedule.
Last night I organized my thimbles into groups of 50 and have WAY more cut than needed. I put 14 stacks aside for the 14 rows needed. There's going to be a minimum of 36 rows but with so many extras I really think 40-42 rows would be better. Forty-two would be a 72"x 84" ....that's probably the best size for this. 

Today is Thanksgiving. Al and I are having a quiet day at home. One daughter is celebrating with her boyfriend and the other has her in-laws coming over. She invited us but we decided to avoid a big get together this year. 
Michigan is on a 3 week "social break" to try to reduce the amount of Covid. BUT that doesn't mean we aren't having a great dinner! 
Al picked up a small turkey breast for us. I'm still making mashed potatoes w/ gravy, sweet potatoes, veggies, cranberries, fresh bread, pies...etc.! There's going to be lots of leftovers ...that's the best part, right?! 
So I'll be cooking and sewing...Al can do his and watch TV😂.
Hopefully we can have a normal holiday next year.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Charlie's Ball Quilt is done

 And it's done!! I machine stitched the binding down this morning. It should hold up to whatever this active toddler throws at it. Five minutes after getting the quilt, he was using it as a, as long as he's using it somehow, I'm happy.

I have to thank all the sweet ladies that sent me ball fabrics through Instagram's #getyourquiltywishesgranted4
 I recieved so many cute ball fabrics and used quite a few. The leftovers will go into a pillow for Charlie along with one leftover block. And I might even make a pillowcase. I have leftovers of the binding/sashing fabric too. 
Oh! And I remembered to sign the back of his quilt. I mostly forget to do that. I've probably made a 100 quilts over the years and gave away or donated more than half of them. I bet I signed or labeled about 10😣.... Why is it so hard to do that one last thing? 💁

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Quilting on Charlie's quilt

I've finished quilting Charlie's ball quilt...yay!! One step closer to the finish.
I went with straight lines. It seemed to be more masculine than my usual free-motion swirls or meanders.
They aren't evenly spaced lines...kind of here and there...wherever I felt it needed a row. And I probably would have stitched even more lines through it but my shoulders were starting to ache...PLUS I wanted it done.
I've cut the binding and have started attaching it. By tomorrow this quilt will be finished. I'm doing a machine stitched binding ...its for a toddler so it'll be getting pretty rough treatment. 
The binding is the same fabric as the sashing. There's enough going on throughout this quilt...I didnt feel like it needed more. I just hope my eyes can see as I stitch this blends in TOO well. Al offered to bring up his construction lighting.😂 I may just take him up on that!


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Still making thimbles

 Today I'm start to work on Charlie's ball quilt but first I wanted to finish up a couple of rows on the Thimble Quilt.
Here's a close-up of part of my quilt. I cut a few "I-spy" thimbles with cats, umbrellas, cars and other fun stuff for my grandsons to find.
After attaching a few more rows, I put this away so that I could concentrate on finishing up Charlie's ball quilt. 
I'm doing straight line quilting on it. I debated doing my usual meander or swirls but this will be more masculine, I think.

Anyway, it's getting done. I'd like to be putting on binding this weekend so he can get his "big boy" bed set up.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Thimble scrap quilt

The thimble quilt is coming along nicely...
17 almost halfway.

I've been getting a row or two a day made, most days. I had a couple of days when I was sick in bed with a bug one of the grandkids shared...but otherwise, I'm getting them made. Michigan is going on a three week lockdown in two days. I have a feeling I'll get lots of quilting done then. 
I DO need to get Charlie's ball quilt quilted. It's sitting right here staring me in the face🙈...well, I need to be in the mood. Maybe tomorrow. 
But even when my intentions are good...I see these thimbles stacked up and just cant resist. They are SO addictive!!


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Thimble quilt

I started a new quilt. Like most of my starts, I was simply cleaning up scraps...organizing them...slicing them up into 2-1/2" and 1-1/2 strips.

Why was I cleaning up scraps again?...well, the TV was on and election results were starting...and instead of biting my nails, I cut😀
So the 2-1/2" strip box was overflowing now with all the strips that were being cut out of scraps.  I grabbed my fairly new thimble template and cut a few....hundred. I stitched a few together to see how easy it would be...and I was hooked. I sewed them until I had a 6 foot piece...that was 50 thimbles. They're two inches tall when sewn in so I figure I need at least 36 rows. That should take about a month if I do a row or two a day.
This little template was purchased at Joann's Fabrics and it does the job but I seem to remember that @creativegrids has a better one. If you haven't purchased either and were in the market for one, I think it would make sense to check that one out. I think it had a bunch of thimble shapes in a you could cut multiples from a strip quickly. My template does the job (and was very reasonably priced) but it's slow going. 

These little pieces are SO addictive! All 1800 pieces are cut out plus some extras...I might do 37 or 38 rows. 
So far I've sewn 11's been 5 days. 
I don't want to have to put this on my UFO list. I would like to get it completed THIS year. 
DON'T LAUGH!! It's possible! 
It's going to be my 2020 quilt... Started in 2020...finished in 2020. 
Here's hoping!!


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ready to quilt

Its time to start free-motion quilting Charlie's ball quilt. It turned out a little larger than Jenn wanted but I think it's perfect...he can grow into it.
It's 60" x 74". I'm going to quilt it using a dark gray thread. That should hide pretty well on the navy without being too busy on the lights (I hope).

Before I can begin quilting Charlie's quilt, I have a dinosaur costume to sew up for his brother Henry.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

The start of Charlie's Ball Quilt

I've put off starting Charlie's quilt long enough. Jenn says he's ready for a "big boy" more crib. So that means he needs this NOW. It's not a huge quilt, just large enough for a toddler bed but really cute so she can bribe him to leave the

I've been matching up shirtings (my all time favorite fabrics, you know), with ball pieces I recieved through Instagram. I requested ball fabrics during the #getyourquiltywishesgranted
I recieved so many wonderful balls. 

When Charlie was over, he grabbed the blocks and crushed them to his chest. He wanted them then and there, as is. I told him they ARE his but he has to wait until I sew them all together...then it'll be ready to take home. 

As he was looking at my fabrics, he picked a few more pieces to put in the quilt. I'm going to add them in...maybe on the back?...still thinking about that.

And this denim look fabric will be the sashing. Got to get to work!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Allie's Hourglass quilt...DONE AT LAST

Its taken quite a while to finish this one up but FINALLY I can move it from the UFO pile to the DONE pile!! Yippeeee!! 
I free-motion quilted it on my trusty old Pfaff. That took about 2 weeks because of birthdays and visits and a summer cold. Then I added the red and white striped binding (found this in my Christmas fabric box). The quilt was totally made from my stash which makes me VERY happy. 

I'm planning to give this one away...there are actually a few family members that haven't recieved quilts. Im going to try to remedy that in the next few years.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quilting Allie's Hourglass

Today I'm trying to finish up this quilt. I started fmq yesterday and did just over 1/2. 
I'm doing my usual swirls. This is the fastest design for me to do on my Pfaff. If I had more time (and patience), I would be doing straight lines...lots of them.
But, with a dozen quilts needing to be finished, fast is best. The year is 3/4 gone and I am nowhere near my goal of finishing up half my UFOs. So...back to quilting!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Shirting wheels quilt

Im working on a 6 year old UFO.
Every so often I pull it out and do a block. When I pulled it out a few days ago, I thought "let's just get this one done".
 I only had 5 blocks to go. Not much right? took me 2 HOURS to make one block! Granted, there was a bit of unsewing to account for. These seem straight forward but there needs to be the right amount of contrast in just the right place AND there are two different triangles.
This is not a quilt that can be worked on with a glass of wine handy!
So last night I finished up the last at 10pm.
 Today I'm stitching the blocks into a top. After that it goes into the "to be quilted pile"...yeah, yeah...I know that pile is toppling over.
I'm going to be getting to quilting a top tomorrow so...
Bring on the wine (for my sore shoulder and back).

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Pergola is built and I love it!

 Al finished the pergola I wanted as an entrance to our back yard. I'm so happy with it! We stained it black to match our doors and porch furniture then I planted grapes at the base of each side. My grandmother had a grape arbor in her yard and I've always wanted one. She had concord grapes ...made grape jam and grape juice.
I planted red eating grapes...we'll see how that goes.

The weather has cooled just a bit the last few days down to a comfortable low 80s. We've been spending a lot of time relaxing on the porch, drinking wine or lemonade, reading and chatting. I've been itching to sew but then again.... Think I'll just sit out here a bit more...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No sew day

I had the urge to sew today but the westher is just TOO nice!
I worked in the garden instead...tied up tomatoes and did some weeding.
Notice my garden These are 1/2" quilting scraps. They make great ties. 
Once I was thoroughly hot and sweaty, I went in and cut up some cotton shirts. 

I save part of the shirt center (buttons and holes) for pillow backs. Saves putting in a zipper.

I end up with about a yard of shirting...not to bad for 50 cents!

 That done, I relaxed with a glass of homemade lemon-limeade.
Looks like it's going to be another
No-Sew day.


March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...