Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Morning Sewing

The dogs in sweaters quilt is a top!! I'm adding some large borders to the top and bottom because we need more length for Henry's bed. The sides will get a minimal 2" seems plenty wide. 
I finished up a few more of the #rainbowscrapchallenge2018 blocks. I have 11 done...each block is 96 pieces so over 1000 pieces so far!
Once I've added the borders to Henry's dog quilt I'll start quilting Al's southwest quilt. That's the UFO of the month and we both want it done!


Karen said...

You must have gotten your fusible because I see goggles on the one dog.

Northern Deb said...

I DID! I only needed 1/8 yard of the heat n Bond. One dog has goggles plus an American flag patch and one has eyeglasses. Today I went out with my daughter and picked out a nice flannel for the back.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...