Sunday, October 29, 2017

Finishing a wedding quilt & starting American Jane medallion quilt

The quilt for my nephew and niece in law (?) is quilted and bound...just a bit more hand stitching of the binding and we can call it done!

That makes TWO finishes for October! Yay!

And since I have finishes, I don't feel a bit guilty starting something new. ...not a bit...well, maybe a teeny tiny bit but I'll get over it.

I participated in INSTAGRAMs #getyourquiltywishesgranted. I granted 21 wishes and received 6 WONDERFUL envelopes of American Jane fabrics. I've been wanting to make an American Jane quilt for years. 

So here's my center. I found the pattern for this block in my Quiltmania magazine. Now I'll add border after border until my medallion quilt is large enough to suit me. 

My next border will be either flying geese, half square triangles or some type of arrow. I love medallion quilts...I never know what it's going to look like till it's done.

Monday, October 16, 2017

An October finish!

This old UFO from 2009 or so is finished and on it's way to my brother in Northern California. If any of you were part of the Block Central quilt forum back in the day you might recognize these "happy blocks". We had a drawing between quilts from all over the world. Each of us that wanted in on the drawing would make two HAPPY BLOCKS (square in a square) using the theme picked by the previous winner. This group that I won was called Outdoors. It has bears, leaves, fish, ... Well lots of "guy" type prints. We always had two winners... Everyone sent one block to each of the winners. I decided, way back then, to alternate with off white blocks with plaid centers...something that would be in keeping with a mans quilt. Then I thought a brown and cream half square triangle sashing would really pop the blocks...and it does. BUT making those HSTs is why this has been a UFO for so long. 
Well, my brother turns 60 in a few days so I thought it was time to finish this up for him... Plus this is my year to get as many of these unfinished quilts done. #finishitup2017

And now onto the next project..I'm doing a wedding quilt for my nephew and his new bride. They picked this quilt above and now we are trying to decide on a backing. Hopefully this is finished up in October too.

Friday, October 13, 2017

The quilt tops are piling up

This very old UFO is a top! Yay!! 

Today I should be able to get it pin basted....get it quilted over the weekend,....bound on Monday...and mailed to my brother on Tuesday. His birthday is a week from Saturday. I think there's a little wiggle room in that schedule...

These blocks were from an online swap with quilter friends back in...?...maybe 2009? We all made blocks using an outdoor theme, then there was a drawing and I won. I've always planned on this being a guys quilt...just took forever to get it pieced. It's not my type of fabrics/colors so I kind of procrastinate working on it.

And here's project number 2...I have a nephew that was married and is now having a reception....I want them to have a quilt. Problem is I don't know what they like...don't know their colors...etc
So, I'm giving them a choice of one of the 5 quilt tops I have finished or almost finished.
These are the five:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Decorating with quilts... Yes, they ARE art

When I created this mini it was as a challenge   ..... I never considered where I would use it afterwards. The colors weren't ones I normally would choose for a quilt but once it was finished I realized it would be a perfect accent in my master bath. This is a temporary location for it...I'm going to find a frame with glass on the front and back to sandwich it between....then hang it above my towel rack.

As I was cleaning the house today...and my sewing room especially ... I tried to come up with a better container for my many scraps. My sweet hubby suggested the bin under the kitchen sink...very funny.
Digging through the basement for plastic totes, this old seed bin almost fell on my head! A Newton moment :) It's a bit rustic on the outside but spotless inside... Fits perfectly with my rustic modern house. And after dumping in my scraps....well... TONS more space! 

Monday, October 2, 2017

October color and UFO

The scrappy color for this month is PINK 💕
I have a good amount of pink scraps to use but I also have this beautiful hunk of Kona Flamingo(this was a birthday gift from my daughter Lisa)..the color of the year😍. I've been waiting to cut into it... just might be the month. Id like to make a two color quilt, Flamingo and a slightly off-white. I haven't decided on a pattern yet though.

So the UFO for October is #6. For me that would be my Vintage Farm Girl blocks, which have been done for 3+ years.. yeah... not holding out hope of getting that done though. I have 2 quilts that HAVE to be done first ...and a table runner. Plus I have company coming to stay for a week, some canning to do, birthday cookies to bake for two family members AND I'll be working two jobs😩. 
Sure is going to be a busy month here....

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...