Saturday, April 22, 2017

Fun and easy pillow

Front entry pillow is done ...check off another completed project. The block is called raspberry kiss. I spotted a similar pillow on Pinterest that I just loved. Love Pinterest! 

This is supposed to be where I was going to put this pillow but I've changed my mind...I like it better up in the TV room so I'll be searching for another inspiring pattern to make.

I loved how easy this was to's just like making a mini quilt EXCEPT when you get ready to bind it, make the zippered back panel, put them wrong side of back to wrong side of front (mini quilt), baste the two together THEN BIND as you would any quilt. The binding becomes sort of a flange or piping look edge. There's no turning inside out! So easy!
I made the back with a hidden zipper flap. This took no time at all!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Start of a new quilt, finish of an old one

This is the start of, YES ANOTHER, new quilt. As I was stitching the binding down on another UFO, I started thinking about a new quilt using my stash of pink, orange and yellow Kaffe Fassett fabrics. When I was at the local quilt shop, I found the nicest background for these bear paws. It's a creamy/beige modern weave print. It is subtle enough to allow the Kaffe to pop and with just a hint of warmth. 
These blocks are large ... About 14" sq. I think I'll make 20 blocks...that should make a decent sized quilt...with sashing and maybe a few borders. 

I've been cutting and cutting...going to need a pile of HSTs and 2-1/2" squares.

And here's a quick little project I squeezed's going to be a pillow. Where? No idea. It was going to be for my foyer seat but the color needs to be toned down a bit for in there. So I'm thinking it would be cute in the TV/sewing room...on the couch. 

And here's my latest finish. This fabric line is from Moda called HONEY. Originally I was going to add a flying geese border around it but after looking at it a while I decided something simpler would be better. 

I ended up with the geese on the back (color is horrible in this pic)

And here's my latest fabric finds! The local shop is carrying a BEAUTIFUL line of Art Gallery Fabrics! Yum! Had to buy a little of that, of course.

Friday, April 14, 2017

More finishes coming soon!

This quilt, which is a UFO from 4 or 5 years ago, is finally getting worked on. I had a dozen blocks but only 9 made the cut into the quilt so that didn't leave a very large quilt. But with a good sized sashing and a wide border it's up to 62" square... A good size for a lap quilt..

Yesterday I finished free motion quilting it with just a large meander and today I'm stitching down binding. I should be able to call this finished by the weeks end. 

The weather has been beautiful so I hate to spend too much time in my sewing room but I also don't want to slack on getting scraps turned into blocks. I was able to make 4 gray blocks to add to my rainbow quilt block pile. Looks like I need to make more reds...

Lisa visited us a few weekends ago and needed a gift for her cat sitter. She stitched up this beautiful mug rug/ table mat in no time. And check out the quilting!! 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

One March finish plus April blocks

There was a March finish...I didn't get around to taking a picture. It's not the UFO I was supposed to do but a finish is a finish, right?! It used up loads of scraps. I cut squares from my 2-1/2" scrappy strips ...completely made from my scraps:) 

Here's my first April scrappy block. Doing my gray scraps this month which fits perfectly with these gray rainy days. 

And this quilty UFO has been in the todo pile for years...I had an idea what I could do with it so I pulled it out. This was a set of blocks in the #honey line from Moda. (Kate Spain). We had a drawing at Hearts to Holly quilt shop and I was one of two winners. These were made by many different ladies so the size wasn't problem...I just trimmed them all to 12" and started sashing. Doing that clips a few corners but that's okay. It will still make a nice cozy quilt for someone.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

April at last!

The scrappy color this month is "mixed" according to The So Scrappy Blog
but since that won't work in my rainbow quilts, I'm changing April to GRAY. I have quite a few gray scraps and I think they'll work well with what I have so far.

The UFO for April is #1 and for me it's the one in the picture below. I have some aqua and snow setting blocks to make....have to attach them to this top (all the farmers wife blocks are done) and then baste, quilt and bind. 
Since I didn't finish the March UFO, I'll be working on that first. This quilt has been claimed by daughter Lisa so that's where it'll be going when done.

After this quilt is completed I will still have a pile of Farmers Wife Blocks. Quilt two will have to wait a few years before I start on that. 

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...