Monday, March 27, 2017

Architectual quilting

If any of you are on Instagram, check out robertkaufman today. They are featuring my daughter Lisa's quilt blocks. She finds pictures of buildings that she likes and turns them into quilt blocks.
You can also she all her quilting on her instagram, @lizafranfran on Instagram.

Since Al and I returned from vacation in Florida I've been catching up on projects started before our trip. I finished all my scrappy blocks and finished quilting my Scrappy Trip Around the World quilt.
Now I have to decide on a binding....

I might do something very dark or very that it stands out.

Now this quilt top below is the UFO of the month that has to be finished. I am pushing myself to have it done by the end of the month. That leaves me what?...3 or 4 days? Sounds reasonable..

And this is the paper pieced stars that I took to Florida and worked on. I was able to add on about 2 rows. It needs a couple more stars in the row on the left and then one row on the bottom. After that I have to figure out how I'm finishing it and IF I'm hand quilting. That's the way I'm leaning.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Finished another scrappy spool block

This blog post is kind of an experiment...
I'm trying to see if I can post from my phone.

 I finished making my scrappy blocks and this red spools
block was the final one for this month. Now that it's done I can get to work on this months UFO. Below are some of the scrappy blocks...purple for January, aqua for February and red for March.

The UFO is number 5 and on my list and it's a 30s reproduction
quilt that I started about a year ago to use up scraps. As is usually the case, it didn't make a dent in the pile😩 I could probably make a dozen more... I'll post a picture of it when I get it taped to my floor for basting.

Another UFO that needed to be quilted finally moved to the top of my list. I need to pin baste my UFO of the month but this Scrappy Trip Around The World was hogging all my I'm quilting this so that I can pin the other...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Working on RED scrappy blocks

Al and I just got back from a two week vacation in Florida. We had a great time...the weather was perfect. I did miss my sewing machine though. Our new car is a whole lot smaller than the SUV we had last year. It forced me to pack much lighter and that meant nixing the sewing stuff...except for my Englush Paper Piecec Stars. 

Now that we're home I've gotten to work on stitching up March's scraps...reds ( I finished up on Scrap Jar Star block and three of my little log cabin blocks...I should give these a name. 

I didn't quite finish my red spool block...maybe tomorrow. 

The block below is just selvage scraps I had stuffed in a jar. On Pinterest or Instagram, I saw a cute bag with selvage pockets... This might become a bag or if I'm lazy it'll become a mug rug. Just hate to waste them, you know?

So here's my epp stars...working on them as Al drives. I NEED to get this quilt done....not only because it's been 7 or 8 years in the making but because my daughter picked it as her wedding quilt. Their first anniversary is in June. It would be a great time to give it to them. 

I can't tell you how long I've been working on this project....feels like FOREVER! I did a little math on the way home from Florida... It takes me one hour to cut, baste and stitch one star. It takes another hour to cut some white pieces, baste them, attach them to the star then attach the star to the quilt. I have 15 rows of 14 210 approximately. Two hours per star is 410 hours and that's not counting the half pieces to finish the edge. Also not counting the hand quilting I'm planning on doing. 
I know my daughter appreciates the work into this one because she's a quilter..and I know it will be in good hands in the future.

Okay, so the only sewing I brought down to Fl with me was the EPP... So when I got a little bored with that what could I do but SHOP! :)
Rainbow's End in Dunedin Fl was having a march sale... 35% off Kaffe, Tula a Pink, Brandon M., cat/dog prints and more. Couldn't resist that!! 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

March is here, FINALLY!

I love March. This is usually the month that Al and I take a 2 to 3 week vacation....leave winter and Michigan behind for the sunshine of Florida. And this year is no exception. We just arrived at the condo that we rent each year. Surprise, surprise...the weather is gorgeous!! Joking of course because ITS ALWAYS beautiful!

So since it's March the scrappy color has's red this month. I brought a few fabrics with me so that I could work on hand sewing but I wont be doing any scrappy blocks until I head home. My project for the next two weeks will be to work on my daughter's wedding quilt which is UFO number 11. The UFO for March is supposed to be #5 so I guess I'll be working on both. Bringing a sewing machine to the beach just isn't feasible ....our car is tiny and I have a ton of stuff as it is. If I add in a machine, cutting board, tools, more fabrics, more threads...well you know the drill, Al will have a FIT!
So hand sewing it is. These fabrics above are part of the scraps I brought for the hand sewing. Lisa and Dustin's wedding quilt is the 30's repro English paper pieced 6-point stars (that's a mouthful) that I've been working on for ages....AND I do mean ages...7-8 years! Sometime...maybe 4 years ago...Lisa asked if this could be here quilt someday. She hadn't met Dustin but once they were engaged she said she wanted this one for her wedding quilt. I told her it was unlikely that I'd get it done in time but I would try. Well, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Wedding plans, wedding shower, other daughter had our first got in the way. SO, now I'm going to see if I can get it done for their first anniversary I'll post some pictures of the progress as I work.

So here's my sewing room for the next two weeks...not too hard to take, huh?

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...