Sunday, February 15, 2015

The never ending cycle....

The Farmer's Wife blocks are finished...yeah! So now I have loads of 30's repro scraps. Well, I just can't throw them away so I thought I'd use them up by making another quilt. I cut tons of them up into 2-1/2" squares and started this:
Well, making the white units means getting a bunch of little HST units as leftovers.
So. I stitched these together and pressed them open. They were just a little larger than 1-1/2" so I trimmed them down square and thought....if I put these together I would get a cute block.
So I put 36 of them together ....made a 6-1/2" block...which is Farmers Wife size. What can I do with one farmers wife block....maybe I'm gonna have to make a bunch more for a small quilt....but then..........
SEE where I'm going with this!,
An ENDLESS cycle!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Eenie meenie miney mo

I'm still playing with the setting of my blocks but at least they're all made. Took a ride to my daughters house and she came up with the two designs here. She said out of these two she would pick the second. I lean towards the first. Al says of the two he likes the first best....BUT since we paid for the art degree daughter had, I should probably listen to her.  Hmmmmm....
Wonder if I should just toss a coin. Remind me never to make log cabin blocks many decisions.....

Friday, January 30, 2015

Found a new little quilt shop

Al and I went up to Suttons Bay today to shop and found a new shop had opened this favorite kind of store, a quilt shop called Cherry Country Quilts! I met the owner and her husband...both very nice people. She has a nice variety of fabrics...some 30's reproductions,some batiks, a nice assortment of modern fabrics, some Kaffe and some civil war. I bought some of the Kaffe for a border on my Kaffe log cabin. I have 28 more blocks to make and then I'll start the borders.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One more setting....hmmm...think I like it

I made a few more blocks last night and came up with a winner, I think. Taking everyone's opinion into consideration, I decided to do the barn raising setting (setting one from the previous post)...well, I started laying it out wrong...lights to the middle instead of darks....and that took me here. I like it. Thanks all always help! Now to make about 45 more blocks:)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

UFOs getting finished

It's been a while since I've blogged but I'm back!
Al and I are settling into our new and FINAL house.
He's currently working to finish landscaping and grass before we get into cold weather. He's also starting my SEWING ROOM!!! YEAH!
By winter I should have a nice place to quilt.

So right now when I'm not busy helping him, I'm working on UFOs...un finished objects. 
Here's the first and the oldest UFO...started in the 80s!
This will go to my three brothers for the up north cabin.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Working on setting my Farmer's Wife blocks

I laid out what I have so far and decided that I need at least two more rows long and wide. With those added I'll be at 72" square. It will probably need two additional rows after that to get the length I need for a twin. It would then be 72" x 88"...a decent size. I don't really want to add borders to it. Trying to give it an vintage look.

All of the blocks will have a Snow White border around them. I add oversized scraps of the white...
Then using one of my favorite rulers...log cabin trim tool:
I center the ruler over my block and trim around it...getting a perfect 8-1/2" block.
There's a great 6" marking line on this ruler making it perfect for these...also a nice tool for log cabin blocks. I did a demo for this ruler a couple of years ago. Had to own one after I saw how easy it was to use. It comes in 8" and 12" size. I'm planning on buying the 12" next.

Doing lots of chain stitching today too. This is the quickest way to get the setting blocks made....and I have LOADS to make yet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Farmer's Wife settings

Today I'm working on settings for Farmers Wife. I am giving a settings class in Febuary at Hearts to Holly and will be showing a few different settings. One will be a popular way I've seen online... One block straight, next on point. These blocks pictured below will be set that way. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Orphan solid block quilt

 Yesterday I laid out my solid blocks to see how my collection was coming along. Whenever I try out a block to see if I like it or to check the size, I make it in a solid. When I have enough blocks, I'm planning to make a sampler quilt....looks like I have a ways to go.

 Al and I are in the process of building a house...and we've come to a hiccup of sorts. I found our DREAM lot....after we already had started this house..above. SO...we will be selling this one in the spring when it's dry walled...then start ALL over again. So I may not have a house (sewing room) for another year. But I think it'll be worth the wait...below is the new lot. Love our view!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Years

 With the new year here, I decided to try to get back to my quilting. This sweet little guy has had most of my attention since he came in August. I'm having a great time babysitting him.
Noticing how he's snuggled into a couple of quilts? The one on the bottom was made by my wonderful online quilt friends...his quilty aunties. And the one on top was made by his actual auntie...Lisa. He still hasn't received his airplane quilt from me...soon, little guy, soon.
 So one of my projects the other day was to find my farmers wife blocks that I had made before our move. I figured there was a chance that they were in the storage room....they were...on the bottom of a pile that stacked almost to the ceiling. Was about the 20th box I opened. You could hear the screams of joy for blocks! NOW to get this quilt finished up. We have a final "FINISHING" class coming up in Febuary. This is only one of the possible settings for our 6" blocks.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...