Sunday, November 9, 2014

A couple more farmers wife blocks

Worked on Farmers Wife today. Finished up two blocks...Sawtooth #76 (above) and Darting Birds #27 (below).

Darting Birds has 60 pieces! I used 1" half square triangle papers to make the 24 HSTs....much quicker and very accurate. This block is really four small (3-1/2") blocks to make the 6-1/2" Darting Birds. The 4 small blocks are put together as a 9 patch...3 rows of 3.

Before you start, it really helps to give your fabric a good spray of starch and press well....keeps the fabric from stretching. With all the seams in these little blocks, every bit of acuracy counts.

Before pulling off my triangle papers, I folded it back and trimmed the points. 
The paper shows where to cut by following the edge...also helps because you're cutting off that stitching in the seam from traveling from HST to HST.
To make the 9 patches, I set them up on my board as they will be stitched.

Then I sew piece 1 and 2 from row 1, then 1 and 2 from row 2 and finally 1 and 2 from row 3.
Next add third piece to each row and leave the threads attached.

The threads keep your rows in order. 
Press your rows. I press the seams on row one and three to the outside, press the seams on row two to the inside. This will LOCK your seams as you sew. Sew row one to row 2

Then add row three.

Press the quarter block, repeat 3 more times.
Now you put it all together like a 4 patch.
I make ALL my seams a SCANT 1/4" to make up for the thickness of thread in a seam.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Getting near the end of Farmers Wife blocks

 Our class is on month 19 of 21 months making our Farmer's Wife blocks. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! The one above is called Hovering Hawks 52, the one below is Strawberry Basket 91.

This one above, is Hovering Birds 51.
And below is Steps to the Altar #89.

Can't remember the name of the one below..?

Above is Birds in the Air #7 and below is Grape Basket.

Above is Boxed Star and below is Honey's Choice #50.

Above is Farmer's Daughter #32 and below is Fruit Basket.

And finally, Star of Hope #88

I haven't been on my blog in a while but as you all probably know, there's a new little man in my life...and I just can't get enough of him. Al and I are also working on our new house...not much to report yet... the hole will be dug this week and then the basement is getting poured a few days later. When we start getting somewhere with it, I'll post pictures.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A new little one in our family!

Lots of you know that I've been really busy the last few months and here is why...this little guy! He's my first grandchild. We moved closer to my daughter to be near to her and her family. Henry was born a few days ago and is an angel! Al and I are in LOVE with him.

This is the first block for the quilt I'm making him. He has an airplane nursery in red, navy, light blue and gray. I'll be foundation pieces 25 of these planes in his colors.

As I was opening up my sewing supplies (which haven't been touched in quite a while), I found this birthday note from my good quilter friends back in Charlevoix. You ladies are sooooo was a nice surprise. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Three more Farmers Wife blocks finished

I'm getting really close to the end of my farmers wife block making. There's probably 20 left to do. Woohoo!!
This one up above is cat and mice #17.

This red one below is Country Path #24.

And my Christmas one is called Wild Geese #104.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Getting ready for baby

Yesterday my daughter stopped by work to visit me. Most of you know I work at a quilt while I worked, she shopped. I'm in the process of making her some burp pads for her baby boy...due in July. She picked out some of these fabrics from Moda Bartholo-meow's Reef. The backs will be plain white flannel...front will be one piece of fabric or patchwork...probably do a few of each.

Another purchase of hers was a pack of Block Frenzy fabrics. Each month and a half, we have a Block Frenzy drawing for 12" blocks. Winner takes ALL the blocks made!
 For every block you make, your name goes into the pot once. They have to be made from that months fabrics...this month it's April Showers. The little packs are five fabric about 8 or 9" square for 2.75.
I made two blocks and jenn will be making a couple. We hope to win all the blocks and make a cute sampler quilt. 
The one above is my first entry.

This is some of my scraps from making the blocks...have enough to make one more block...maybe a postage stamp block?
Anyone can matter where you live. Mail the 12" (finished size) to Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop to enter.

 Another project that got a little time today is my farmers wife quilt. Some of the setting blocks got finished so I added a couple of rows to my quilt....getting there ;)

Oh, so while I was taking pictures of my quilt, I thought I would take one of another project...but not of a quilty nature.

 Al painted the porch floor outside my sewing it's nice and clean and white...a perfect backdrop for my pictures. I don't think either of us realized that bonus.
Here's the first burp pad...never made one before so I'm just winging it on size, etc. The fabric is Storybook. There are adorable airplanes and clouds on it... Perfect for a little boy.

On the back I have the flannel and two "pockets" to catch large spit ups. Now to make a bunch more and maybe some Peepee Teepees. Anyone know of a good site for some free patterns for either of these?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Garage sale blocks

I had a garage sale last year after I cleaned out my sewing room. There were a few projects I had started but knew I'd never get around to finishing....this is one.

 I sold a bunch of these star blocks to a friend who then made more, sashed them up ..and wow...look how pretty! It's nice to see another of my UFOs finished up...even if not by me.....Nancy, can I have it back now?!

Friday, May 16, 2014

More Farmers Wife Blocks

Finished up two more Farmer's Wife blocks. I'm doing two different quilts with these. One will be all 30's reproductions with solids. The second will be Flower Sugar fabric from Lecien.
This one is Peace and Plenty #64.

This one is called Country Farm #23. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More farmers wife blocks

I finished up four more blocks for my Farmer's Wife quilt...three of them are here (missed getting a pic of the fourth one).
This first block, which is my favorite of the group and was the hardest, is called Silver Lane #79.

 This one is Night and Day #59.

And this last one is End of Day #30.
The one not pictured is Peace and Plenty #64. I'll try to upload a picture of that one tomorrow. One thing I'm finding with some of the blocks is that they work well as foundation pieced blocks. The one above, #30, and #59 are two that could be draw up in EQ. I printed off the foundation patterns for both....much easier and more accurate.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Making a diaper cake for Jenn's baby shower

This isn't my usual project but jenn's baby shower is coming up and a diaper cake was on my to-do list. They're really easy if you use rubberbands to hold all the diapers till you can get a bow around them. Jenn found this cute little stork at a party store....had to have it as a topper. She wants everything to be navy and white...and very simple. Nothing too over done. Our stork is as crazy as it gets.

So when is she due with our grandson?...sometime towards the end of July. Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scrappy strip coverlet or quilt

I know,I know...I've really neglected my blog. A lot has been going on in my life lately so I'm just now catching up with things. 
This is a finished UFO coverlet (not really a quilt, no batting) made with 30s scraps. The binding is finished and the quilt is hanging at Hearts To Holly. These are 9" square blocks worked on white sheeting...flip and sew method, starting with the center strip. No hand sewing on this one...machine stitched binding.

These are a few of my latest  30's and vintage reproduction type fabrics. Al and I spent a few weeks in Florida which gave me a chance to visit a few different shops.

At a cute little shop in downtown St. Pete's I found this adorable octopus from moda. You can find the pattern on Moda's Bake Shop site.
I'm thinking of making him out of these new fabrics we got in...Bartholo-meows Reef:

Well, that's all for now. I'll leave with a picture of my wonderful grandpuppy, Harry. He just got a haircut and shave so he's all set for warm if we would just get some!

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...