Friday, December 21, 2012

Aunt Grace's Garden Party for mom

This is the Aunt Grace's Garden Party Block of the Month quilt I did a while back as a shop sample and class. I'm giving it to mom as a Christmas present. She saw it when I was just about done with the top and loved the colors. 

Lately I've been neglecting this blog but mom has been pretty sick and I'm staying downstate with dad so that I can be with mom at the hospital. She was just moved to a rehab nursing home. Now it's time to head home for a few days to celebrate Christmas with Al and our girls (and my new son-in-law). Mom is stable now after a very scary week. She's a super strong lady... been through so much and just keeps going and fighting. I have complete confidence that she will get past this set back. My brothers from CA are in to stay and visit for a bit... that's cheering up both mom and dad.

Hope all of you out there have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!


Rebecca P said...

Hey Deb,
just sent you an email wondering how your Mom was doing. I see here she is doing better, I am so glad.
Beautiful quilt for Mom, I love the pattern.
Merry Christmas to you & your family.

Northern Deb said...

Merry Christmas to you too Rebecca. Mom is in a nursing home and making slow progress. She's working hard at her therapy so that she can come home but that won't be for quite a while yet.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...