Friday, November 16, 2012

Green projects and EASY pillow backs

While working on my civil war lone stars, I noticed I was getting quite a pile of triangular scraps. I decided to put some together in a crazy quilt block... minus the embroidery. This is the pillow below...very easy... just 6" blocks, sashed and quilted... then made into a pillow.

Putting zippers into pillows doesnt really bother me, but I found that using old shirts is quicker and much more GREEN.

 The shirts have been cut up (they're all cotton) and put away in my box of plaid scraps but the center of the shirt, the button area, usually ends up in the garbage.

With the civil war quilt, I picked a dark green and cream plaid, left about an 1-1/2" after the buttons and button holes, cut two pieces of coordinating solid and attached it to the shirt button area. Then I cut it into a square, the same size as my front piece. Stitched it to the front (right sides together), all the way around (used 1/2" seam) and the pillow was done... EASY!

For the challenge project in Hearts to Holly's spring challenge, I made this cat pillow. Usually when I'm at a resale shop I'll keep an eye out for linen or other really nice fabric. They had an xxl dress on the markdown rack (for about 1.99) that was all linen. This gave me the front AND the back for the challenge pillow.
The dress buttoned all the way up from the hem to the neck so it was a perfect back. And the back of the dress was just one HUGE piece of linen... I still have loads left over to make a few more projects.


Barb H said...

Love your pillows and what a great idea to use the buttons to close the back. I'll have to give that a try.

MARCIE said...

This is such a great idea with the plackets on the back of your pillows! I may need to re-sew those buttons on the shirts I am recycling! Good thinking Deb!

Rebecca P said...

I just love the things you make, but that kitty cat pattern is so cute.

Stitches said...

This is such a great tip..I just hope I can remember it when the time comes..Thanks

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...