Monday, October 31, 2011

1930's Reproduction Dresden Plates

These are the blocks I've been working on at the hospital while mom was recuperating. There are 16 of them now so I think I'll do 4 more. Twenty (4x5) would make a nice quilt for a child. The blocks get trimmed down to 8" finished size. The dresdens are done with paper pieces cut in that petal shape. Sure makes it easy and it's all hand sewing. Perfect for a take-with project.
I'm still deciding on sashing and setting. I know it's hard to tell in these pictures but the background is a very pretty aqua. I have red and white gingham, solid red plus more of the red and white polka dot that is in the centers. Somehow I want to combine all of those in the sashing design....well, we'll see...

While I was going through the camera taking the pics of these blocks, I found a picture of my mom and my daughter Jenn from this summer. Just before all of these problems started, mom visited me up north. I took this pic of them at the castle.

Mom came home from the hospital today and is doing well. I head home to Charlevoix tomorrow. I'll be playing catch up with my outside work, inside work and sewing... but I can't wait... I miss my bed, my tub and mostly MY SEWING ROOM!


LuAnn said...

I love those Dresdens. I'm going to Shipshewana in a couple of weeks so may look for them. Prayers go out to your Mom; hoping that she gets along ok.

Northern Deb said...

LuAnn, We found them at Yoders. LOVE that store!

Rebecca P said...

Your dresdens are so darling.
Glad you get to go home for a break. Your Mom & you have been in my thoughts & prayers.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...