Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Something Green... but what?!

Today I'm working on something green. I can't say what it is or what it's going to be or who it's for CUZ IT'S A We're doing a Great Green Goodie Swap at scrappyandhappy.. a wonderful yahoo group (formerly block central). We make something that is mainly green for a secret partner and mail it out to them this week. It has to be something for the kitchen or the sewing room. I'm making one goodie for each room.

So, what else am I up to? Well, as Em from Hearts to Holly says, I'm coughing up a lung. This darn cold that has hit me twice is still hangin' on in the form of a nasty cough. I sound much worse than I feel. Al wants me to go to see the doc but... well... if you know me at all... that's not happening :)

The other thing I'm dealing with is the loss of my 1/4" foot... sniff, sniff, sniff, sigh... Somehow the thing fell off sometime between Arizona and Michigan. I checked all my bags, the truck, the garbage, the sewing room floor... EVERYWHERE... but no luck. There's a possiblity that it's in Arizona on my BIL's laundry room floor. Might have knocked it off when I was packing it up. SO, I went online and ordered a new one from Ebay... be here Monday or so. That means I have to stitch the WHOLE weekend with out it. Going to have to use a piece of masking tape till then... oh, the injustice of it all :(


Impera Magna said...

OH NO.... a lost 1/4" foot? How awful... but I'm glad you have another on the way! Love Ebay!

Don't know what your green projects are but loving the colors!

Anonymous said...

I love all that GREEN! Angela has the Irish in her and we both go for the dark green. Any pics of what you made from it? Mary

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...