So, what else am I up to? Well, as Em from Hearts to Holly says, I'm coughing up a lung. This darn cold that has hit me twice is still hangin' on in the form of a nasty cough. I sound much worse than I feel. Al wants me to go to see the doc but... well... if you know me at all... that's not happening :)
The other thing I'm dealing with is the loss of my 1/4" foot... sniff, sniff, sniff, sigh... Somehow the thing fell off sometime between Arizona and Michigan. I checked all my bags, the truck, the garbage, the sewing room floor... EVERYWHERE... but no luck. There's a possiblity that it's in Arizona on my BIL's laundry room floor. Might have knocked it off when I was packing it up. SO, I went online and ordered a new one from Ebay... be here Monday or so. That means I have to stitch the WHOLE weekend with out it. Going to have to use a piece of masking tape till then... oh, the injustice of it all :( ..lol
OH NO.... a lost 1/4" foot? How awful... but I'm glad you have another on the way! Love Ebay!
Don't know what your green projects are but loving the colors!
I love all that GREEN! Angela has the Irish in her and we both go for the dark green. Any pics of what you made from it? Mary
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