Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I was working on pinning my blue scrappy quilt and Al found a mistake... how did I not see it?! Well, I fixed it and am now quilting it :)


Rebecca P said...

Oh Deb, I love the blue strippy quilt with that soft sage green border. Very pretty.
I need to make more blocks to finish my pink one, but things just keep getting in the way.
How big are your blocks?

Northern Deb said...

These are 9" blocks... I have a 9-1/2" template so that makes cutting them square, very easy. Need any pink fabric for yours? LOL... I still have TONS of fabric scraps even after all these scrappy blocks

Quiltluver said...

I love the blues in this quilt. It turned out very pretty.

Rebecca P said...

Oh yes, save pink for me. I'm doing my block 6-1/2. Guess what I am using as my foundation ,used dryer sheets. I read somewhere they would be a great foundation, & so far I really like it. Makes the blocks a little lighter.

Jeannette said...

Lovely optical effects...I think more and more I am reverting to liking scrap quilts...the controlled colors of the last few decades are wonderful, but the feeling of old quilts was really the original draw for me. I saw 2 oldies in an antique store the other day and I could see the skirts and shirts and aprons of the farm. Quilts are story tellers...and now your husband further participated is this beauty's story.

Anonymous said...

Deb - that is so pretty! I don't see any mistakes from here...... maybe i need a closer look.... you better mail it to me when it's quilted so i can inspect it. LOL

Running and ducking.....


Northern Deb said...

Denise, check out the row closest to my looks zig zag instead of diamond... I put it on backwards. Fixed it though before I got it quilted ... THANKS TO AL :)

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...