Friday, February 19, 2010

IT'S DONE!!!!!

This is the quilt I made for Al's brother Joe. He lets us stay in his home down here in Apache Junction, Arizona. I really think he's going to love this... it fits in perfectly with his decor. I spent about a week quilting it then I put off doing the binding... I was just tired of working on it. Finished up the last stitch on it last night!!

These are a couple of close ups of the stitches I used. It took me a while to decide how to quilt this. I decided that the soft beige area looked like sand. There are two shades of beige crackle fabric so I did pebble quilting in one area and kind of a back and forth blown sand look in the other. Then I put stipple around the "mountains" and another back and forth "wood" look on the brown fabric that is under the mountains.

I did about 5 different quilting designs thoughout this quilt.
I just SO HAPPY that it's finished. It's a huge weight off my back. Joe will be down here for Easter and we are leaving in about a week. He knows this is here waiting for him but he hasn't seen it yet.

MARK another project off the TO-DO list!!! YEAH!!!


Quiltluver said...

What a gorgeous quilt, and a beautiful job on the quilting. Your brother in law will love it.

scraphappydenise said...

FANTASTIC!!!! What a wonderful hostess gift. You are setting the bar mighty high for the rest of us! He'll love it!

Rebecca P said...

That is so wonderful. You are so talented. Wish I was one of your relatives.

Scrapatches said...

Deb ... this is just gorgeous. What a wonderful gift! You do amazing work ... and you did this "on the road" and not even in your own quilty corner ... WOW!

:-) Pat


Now that is a fantastic Thank You gift. The quilting is so wonderful and really well thought out according to placement. Is this a pattern that is available somewhere. If so, please tell us. He will be blown away.


Now that is a fantastic Thank You gift. The quilting is so wonderful and really well thought out according to placement. Is this a pattern that is available somewhere. If so, please tell us. He will be blown away.

Missy said...

I'm new to your blog and I see that others have asked if this is a pattern that we could purchase. I am incredibly in love with your quilt and would love to make and present it to my husband. So, is there a chance for a pattern? Thank you Deb!

Northern Deb said...

I am currently working on the pattern...will post something when done...thanks!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for this pattern! You have done a beautiful quilt here. Thanks for being willing to share it with all of us! Thanks, Wanda

Charlene said...

Any chance that this pattern is almost done? I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Laura Kresowski said...
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Laura Kresowski said...

Please tell me how I can purchase this pattern.

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