Thursday, August 6, 2009

Denise's medallion

YEAH!! Check off another thing done!

This is the border I added to Denise's medallion. We're doing a round robin with We are almost at the end... I will be getting one more medallion to work on before mine comes home :) !!!

This round had a fabric sent with it that I REALLY wanted to see added to the quilt... it's the flower fabric in the center of the circles. I didnt want to use too much because I was afraid it would get to busy but I wanted enough so that when Denise gets it back, after one more border, she will have the fabric somewhere else in the quilt. She plans to add a final border using her flower fabric. I cant wait to see this one finished! It's going to be a beauty.

1 comment:

Rebecca P said...

That is just beautiful!!!!!I love the pattern you did,really adds. You are so talented.
I sent Nola's off today, it's a good feeling to be on time.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...