Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Shirting wheels quilt

Im working on a 6 year old UFO.
Every so often I pull it out and do a block. When I pulled it out a few days ago, I thought "let's just get this one done".
 I only had 5 blocks to go. Not much right? took me 2 HOURS to make one block! Granted, there was a bit of unsewing to account for. These seem straight forward but there needs to be the right amount of contrast in just the right place AND there are two different triangles.
This is not a quilt that can be worked on with a glass of wine handy!
So last night I finished up the last at 10pm.
 Today I'm stitching the blocks into a top. After that it goes into the "to be quilted pile"...yeah, yeah...I know that pile is toppling over.
I'm going to be getting to quilting a top tomorrow so...
Bring on the wine (for my sore shoulder and back).

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Pergola is built and I love it!

 Al finished the pergola I wanted as an entrance to our back yard. I'm so happy with it! We stained it black to match our doors and porch furniture then I planted grapes at the base of each side. My grandmother had a grape arbor in her yard and I've always wanted one. She had concord grapes ...made grape jam and grape juice.
I planted red eating grapes...we'll see how that goes.

The weather has cooled just a bit the last few days down to a comfortable low 80s. We've been spending a lot of time relaxing on the porch, drinking wine or lemonade, reading and chatting. I've been itching to sew but then again.... Think I'll just sit out here a bit more...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No sew day

I had the urge to sew today but the westher is just TOO nice!
I worked in the garden instead...tied up tomatoes and did some weeding.
Notice my garden These are 1/2" quilting scraps. They make great ties. 
Once I was thoroughly hot and sweaty, I went in and cut up some cotton shirts. 

I save part of the shirt center (buttons and holes) for pillow backs. Saves putting in a zipper.

I end up with about a yard of shirting...not to bad for 50 cents!

 That done, I relaxed with a glass of homemade lemon-limeade.
Looks like it's going to be another
No-Sew day.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

No quilting, just gardening

I haven't been sewing much lately...mainly because it's been beautiful out. The garden is doing well but needs tending. My flower pots are blooming nicely. The grass is in and growing so we're cutting it and weeding landscapes. Lots of outdoor work...that I love.

Tonight we're just sitting on the back porch enjoying the trees, flowers and the rain. And I'm enjoying my porch quilt. This one has lots of scraps in it...lots of memories. 

Plus thete are a few pieces I put in for the grandboys to find and the dogs in the corner.

I tried something new this year with my pots of flowers...I tucked in a few perennials (lavender) with the annuals. At the end of the season I'll plant the perennials in the landscape to enjoy next year. 
The geraniums, as always, will come in for the winter. I love flowers on my window sills when there's snow out.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...