Monday, December 9, 2019

Home for Christmas

As some of you know, Al and I are building a home (again). We had hoped to be in by Thanksgiving but had a few delays...BUT we WILL be in for Christmas! Our moving truck is scheduled for Dec 18th...plenty of time to unpack, put up a tree, bake cookies..
Right now we're laying hardwood. I've become an old pro at this. This is the third house we've done it ourselves. Only hiccup is, as we get more practice, we're also getting older and these old bones don't want to be kneeling on the floor hammering away at wood. I could barely get up off the floor today😬
We started by the master bedroom so that the carpet guys would have a place to put it up against. 

Now we're working towards the fireplace, kitchen and stairs. 

I wore out my carpenter/hubby. Slamming that hammer against the nailer is hard work. 
But the end is within sight. We need to be done with flooring, stair treads, a porch railing, garage railing, address needs mounting and a few other little things, in 9 days! And have the rental packed! Gonna be close...

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...