Monday, September 30, 2019

Kitchen tools as quilting tools?

I'm working on my Kaffe log cabin star quilt ...getting the quilting done. I decided on straight lines. This isnt the fastest way but I've been dying to do this to a quilt and this one is a great one to try it on. There are plenty of lines to follow and it's not too big... 72" x72"

Where there aren't lines, I usually mark with a Hera marker...but I can't find it (same story, different day😉)
So I dug around in the kitchen (that's where my temporary sewing room is) for something that would create a nice line but not cut or snag the fabric. 
This little butter spreader works perfectly! I was able to stitch about 20 lines before it was time to get to the new house. I'm landscaping the one side where they've finished siding.

These colors are so ME...I'm really enjoying quilting this. Oh, and I decided against invisible thread on old eyes just can't handle it. I couldn't see to thread it and then it broke and jammed...pulled it out, got out my aqua Aurifil.
So's going to be slow going...a little here, a little there, as time allows. I sure hope I can finish by the weeks end. 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Basting my Kaffe log cabin star

I'm doing the Finish-a-long this quarter and have completed 2 of the 5 projects I had hoped to finish. This will be the third, if I can get it quilted and bound in the next few days.
I layered it and taped it to the floor last night...this afternoon I pinned it. Tomorrow I will start quilting. I'm undecided on what type of FMQ I want to do on it. I've used swirls on many quilts and really love the look. My favorite would be just straight lines back and forth but I think that might take too long. Either way, I'll be using an invisible thread on top and a teal on the bottom. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My next project is...

This UFO is now a finished top. Next up...basting and quilting.
I spent part of yesterday trying to find the fabric i had put away for the border and backing of this quilt. I started this idea. It's pretty old. I drag it out every so often because I like it and want it finished but I can never decide how I want it finished. Well, I never did find the border fabric but I had enough of this feather fabric to squeak out a small border...3". 
So this afternoon I added that on and am calling it good.

I found ONE of the backs I bought for this quilt. I know I also bought a Kaffee that was on sale at Rainbow's End quilt shop...35% off. Can't find that but this dot will work. And I did find this 1/2 yard of Kaffe'll be perfect for binding. 
So Saturday or Sunday I'll start basting. Tomorrow, Friday, is grandson day. No time (or energy) for anything other that play!
Here's our other WIP....siding is going on...stone is coming any day. Drywall is going up, cabinets are ordered and ready for delivery and the electric company is hooking us up (finally!!).

Seems like we'll be in by Thanksgiving!🍂🍁

Monday, September 23, 2019

And it's DONE!

Finished! Done! Completed!
So happy to check this one off the list.
I spent some time reading my very old blog posts from 2009 when I won these blocks and first started on making this quilt. I came to one post where I was saying that I needed to concentrate on finishing up UFOs before making any more starts because I had 16....16! I wish that was all I had now😂
Well at least now I have one less.
Here's some close-ups of the wonderful blocks my quilter friends made me....

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The FMQ is done on this UFO

Today was a washout. I spent plenty of time at my machine so I was able to finish quilting this UFO. 

Don't you love working on a sampler? It's not boring at keeps me intetested. I fooled around with lots of different designs on this...meandering, ripple, flowers, leaves and vines...whatever I felt like doing in each block. 

The front has my initials and the year so no label will be needed....not that I would do one anyways. I usually forget.
Each of the blocks are signed by the quilter that made them. These are some talented ladies. I love that I'll have a signature quilt.

So the quilting didn't go perfectly...for some reason this happened:
I had to completely clean my machine and put in a new needle. That took care of the problem.

So now I'm cutting binding. By tomorrow it'll be done...maybe.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My project for this week

My project for this week is to quilt this UFO from 2009...yes, it's 10 years's time, don't you think? 
The quilting was started at one time but then I put it idea why. 
It really shouldn't take me too long to finish it now that it's out where I can work on it as I have a moment.
These scrappy blocks are done. I made 56 so that my quilt will be 7 blocks wide and 8 long. I'm still deciding how to set them...maybe with a very small white sashing. 
My other project is REALLY coming along! We have insulation done, the well is in and drywall has been delivered. The weather has really been nice this week. Last week we had a bunch of rainy, cold days but now it's back to the low 80' nice!

Al and I added some blocking in the walls where floating shelves will be going and where heavy pictures will be hung. There are so many little things that have to be taken care of everyday. We're trying to do as much as we can in between scheduled workers. I'm hoping to take lots of wall pictures before the drywall is hung so we know where plumbing and wires are before we start trimming and hanging cabinets. 

But everything will be put on hold tomorrow because it's grandson day💙...we'll be playing with this guy and his favorite day of the week!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sewing hexies

It's a dreary, rainy day at the new house plus insulation is going in, so I'm sewing in the truck.
I love that EPP is so portable...I always have something to work on when I'm away from my machine.
These two hexie flowers will join my daughter Jenns growing pile. She's going to be making a scrappy hexagon quilt with solid Kona snow linking the flowers. 

When it isn't raining out, I've been building rock walls and planting bushes/perennials.
I'm getting so anxious to move into the house. Cabinets and appliances have been ordered and are waiting to be delivered. I've picked out most of the lighting and flooring. Once they finish with the insulation, we'll be ready for the drywall. Then OUR work really begins. Al and I paint, wallpaper, do finish carperntry and lay wood floors. There won't be much time for sewing soon!

When I get home at night or first thing in the morning, I try to sew a bit. Usually there's time to make one of these blocks...sometimes two. I have 42 done...loads more to go because these are 8"x8" and I'd like it to be a good sized least a double. 
Break time is over...back to work!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Antique shopping and a find

My Labor Day weekend find! 
My daughter, Lisa, and I, went to some resale shops, garage sales and an antique mall here in Traverse City. 

I don't go to the antique mall very often... Usually just when company is visiting. We wandered through the 4 floors, me searching for old quilts and fabrics... She looked for mid-century items. I didn't find a THING until we were ready to leave. She had to use the restroom and when she came out, she spotted this quilt. 

It's perfect! I mean it's almost pristine! Well made, hand stitched, flat and the vintage fabrics in it?!.. 😱!! 

They were asking $75 dollars plus 10% off!! I couldn't buy the fabrics for that! So yes, of course I bought it. 
We, Lisa & I, decided this should become the guest room quilt. That's the room she stays in when she visits. She also said she would like this to be hers someday so, to make it official, "yes Lisa, it's your inheritance".

So now the only question is how to quilt it. I don't know if you're like minded but I feel like an old vintage quilt should be hand quilted. I like the feel of hand quilted quilts. They seem softer to me. I really need to find a nice batting though. Something that needles easily. Anyone know a good one? Maybe I'll call Hobbs?

The backing will be bleached muslin which is what my grandmothers both used. Im keeping it true to its age. The only thing I'll be doing differently is the binding...I'll be doing a facing instead. I love the edge and want to keep it exactly as it is. 

Wish me luck! This will be a 2 year project...AT LEAST!

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...