Monday, January 21, 2019

2019 Finish Along -projects

I joined the #2019finishalong.  My list of UFOs in extremely long so I just picked out a few
 projects I'd like to work on and finish up. This one below was my #1 "get done NOW" project and I finished it just in time. My husband, my daughter  and her two sons went with me downstate to see my nephew and his 8 month old daughter. I wanted to give them this quilt so I spent a few days getting it done. 

I posted these on Instagram before the posting deadline but wanted a record here too. These are the ones that need to be worked on. 
The scrap jar stars will become a donation quilt and the EPP stars is for my daughter Lisa. The rest I just enjoy working on.... My list of ufos needs to decrease. 

My pile of scraps is overwhelming also so I'm also joining SoScrappy for the monthly scrap challenge. I'll make at least 3 more scrap jar star blocks to complete that quilt and however many blicks the UnNamed quilt needs. 
Wish me luck...I'm going to need it to get everything I want and need, accomplished. 

We are starting a new house. The design/blueprints are my job. We have tree cutting and surveying to do in the next few weeks then we head to Florida. When we get back we'll start digging the basement so the plans need to be finished NOW. Sure am glad I'm retired and don't have deadlines any

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...