Sunday, February 19, 2017

Scrappy block tutorial

These are more Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks that I made for one of my rainbow quilts. I've a feeling there are going to be quite a few quilts coming out of this SCRAP CHALLENGE! My scraps are overflowing so I'm happy to be working on them but my UFO list is growing and that's not good! It's probably up to 38 or 39...I KNOW, shocking! But when you consider that I've been quilting since the 80's (and collecting fabric since the 60's), I have a HUGE pile of scraps.

And another good thing members are getting quilts... multiple quilts. Plus plenty for donations and auctions. I think a few will go to the hospital up north here. They have a program where a child that has to stay overnight at the hospital for the first time, gets a teddy bear and a quilt.
This is a wonderful thing...just thinking of my grandson....well, if he ever had to stay he would be really scared. So yes, a few will go there.

These are two of my "sea green/ aqua" blocks that I made for the SO SCRAPPY
RSC17. Some I made today and some yesterday. Al and I have a large painting job that is taking most of everyday so I've been getting up an hour early so that I can have a relaxing cup of coffee and do some stitching. My vision isn't the greatest anymore so stitching in the evening just doesn't work.... plus I'm tired by time we get home and make dinner...etc.

I thought some of you might want to try this block...It's really simple but not very large. It's only 7"...7-1/2" before adding to a quilt. It uses up some of those 1-1/2" strips many of you have collected.
I try to find blocks that use up what I have and my pile of 1-1/2" strips is high and falling over...

I place dark 1-1/2" squares in the four corners and the center...This seems to bring the block alive. The background works with low volume fabrics, white, creams, light grays,...etc.
Pick medium volume fabrics for the 3-1/2" and 2-1/2" color pieces. They need to stand out from the background but be lighter than the dark squares.

I hope you can read this photo of my block...I took a picture of my eq7 printout. If you can't let me know and I'll print off a sheet then photograph that.

TO PUT THE BLOCK TOGETHER, I made 4 little log cabins...start with the darkest 1-1/2" squares. Attach the little white square. Then the white 2-1/2", then the color 2-1/2" and finally the color 3-1/2".
Press those 4 small log cabins then place them like the block shows. It'll be like sewing up a 9 patch now. If anyone wants a picture of how it goes together...I will gladly take photos of the next one I make as I do it.

So to put this quilt together, I was planning on turning them on point and cut 7-1/2" squares of white scraps...using them as the alternate block. BUT, my daughter likes how they look in the picture above, place on the bed with a little white sashing. So that's probably how I'll do them. I might use a 3" sashing and put PLUS sign blocks as cornerstones...sort of the way I did my purple and gray quilt. OR I might just keep it all white.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Early sewing on a Scrappy Saturday

Got up early to sew a bit before work. Working on more Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks in aqua. When I figured out how many blocks I would need for this quilt I figured about 64. So if I have 10 colors that's about 6 each...maybe 7 or another color. I have 5 purples...and pieces to make one more. Same with my aqua/sea green. I really like the blues...any blues ...might do one or two extra aqua.

I put a pattern for this block on my February 18th blog entry... scrappy block tutorial

As I was digging through my aqua scraps I found this old piece of Peter Pan fabric. It's REALLY old!  Quite possibly from the 80s. I'm inserting a little here and there. Sure hope it doesn't bleed. I know I prewashed it years ago...crossing my fingers.

Ready to stitch up a couple more then I've got to leave...wish I could spend more time quilting!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Playing with scraps

This is a new block I'm playing with to use up 1-1/2" scrap strips. The blocks finish at 7" so I'm going to put them on point and use a light background in the alternating spots so that the quilt will be light and colorful. Plus I like how these blocks look almost circular from a distance.

And as of today I finished the last scrappy #triparoundtheworldblocks ...42 of them. This was made JUST from scraps.... I cut up a bunch of small scraps into 2-1/2" strips and squares. The squares went into this. I have a small pile of squares left...guess those will go in the scrap box for now.
Tomorrow, or Sunday, I start putting the blocks together for a lap sized top... 60"x70" borders...just quilt and bind.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Aqua Scrap Blocks plus a Spools block TUTORIAL

The weekend was pretty good as far as getting some sewing time in. I was able to work on quite a few projects plus cut up some scraps, clean a little and organize. The cleaning was necessary because I couldn't find my piece that were precut for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge Spools.

Last month I made sure the navy pieces and the spool bottoms and tops were precut....I wasn't sure how much of the greige fabric I had for the spools. And as it turned out there was JUST enough. So I put aside the pieces for 20 blocks and cut the navy....then put it in a container, labeled it, and LOST IT. Yup, I'm so well organized...NOT. Well, today when I was opening every container, I looked under my desk and found a small box with the spools fabric...YAY! Why did I put it there? Who knows....
Want to make this block? It's REALLY easy. DOWN BELOW is a print off from EQ that I used to design my block. There may be similar blocks out there but I didn't see one with a really easy bottom and top of spool. I didn't wasn't any angles...this is supposed to be easy and pretty much favorite type of weekend sewing.

It makes a 12" block...12-1/2" before incorporating into the quilt.
So to start I stitch 1-1/2" and 2" string pieces (7-1/2" long) together till I have 7-1/2" x 8-1/2". You could also oversize the pieces a little... maybe 8" long...keep adding strips of any size till it's over 8-1/2" then trim to exactly 7-1/2" wide by 8-1/2" tall.

Cut the spool bottom and top pieces...see the cutting below...attach the spool bottom to a background piece...same the same for the top piece.

Now it's just like a 9 patch to put together...EASY!
Attach the corner squares to the top and bottom...Attach side pieces to your scrappy strip center.

And now just sew the 3 rows.

This is my finished aqua block...February's color at So Scrappy RSC17 the RAINBOW SCRAP CHALLENGE for 2017.

Here's the print off with all the measurements for making the block...I used (2) 1-1/2" x 7-1/2" strips and (4) 2"x7-1/2" strips but you could use any combo and trim it to 7-1/2" x 8-1/2".

So that was part of my sewing this weekend... I also made another Hazel the Hedgehog for my Fancy Forest quilt. I made her in this months color of aqua and teal since I had those pieces out.

I'm up to 4 critters...long way to go but boy are they fun to make!


Thursday, February 9, 2017

UFO #9 finished!

At Patchwork Times this month, the UFO to work on is number 9, which for me was this one above. This was a race to finish up since I had promised that it would be my brothers when it was finally finished and his birthday is Monday! He lives in Oregon and I'm in Michigan so that means it had to be finished yesterday so that I could mail it today on my way to about pressure! But that's what I need sometimes to finish up It's on it's way. 
Check off #9.

So today after work I did a little stitching on my Scrappy Trip Around the World. I now have 26 of the 42 blocks I need....I may up that to 48 ...they're 10" blocks so 60"x70" or 60"x 80"....haven't decided.

And this will get a little attention tonight and tomorrow. It's an old quilt my daughter found but some of the Dresden fan pieces are just falling apart. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Super Bowl? Nope...

Spent a few hours quilting this UFO. It's almost done...hopefully today after work I can finish.

BBQ University was keeping me company as I stitched. Getting hungry!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

A very scrappy Saturday

I started the morning by finishing up the pin basting of my UFO #9, the black, white and aqua one that will become my brothers birthday gift. 
Then on to more fun sewing.....

This months scrap color at SoScrappy is Aqua...or sea green ...or something that's not blue and not green. Not a problem! That's probably what I have the most of after blue. I made up one scrap jar star block to add to my one reserved purple block from January....I'll have a purple scrap jar quilt and a rainbow quilt. 
I didn't get to making my aqua spool block yet but that's because I can't find the darn things. I cleaned up after all the purple blocks ....then someone must have broken in and LOST my pieces! ;) hopefully the navy strips will show up again...

So as I stitched I noticed my strip jar for my crocheted rug was overflowing....

Stitched those into a long strip and rolled into a HUGE ball. That will give me a nice project to do as I watch TV.

This is the other project that got a little attention...I made a few more blocks. I'm up to 18 and figure I will need 42. 
So with all this sewing I needed a reward...I took a short break and visited the local quilt shop. I didn't buy much...just some of these adorable kitties.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Deadlines LOOMING!

Today started out as a pin basting day. I have this old old UFO to finish up and get mailed off to my brother. The other day I added the final border to get the top done and large enough for a guy. Now just to pin and quilt and bind. AND GET IN THE MAIL BY THE 10th! I've had this in progress for what?...5 years?..and now it's a rush. But sometimes that's what it takes for me to finish up...DEADLINES!!

So then Al wanted to go out for a drive...visit Alright...the quilting can wait a day.
I did get to do some hand sewing as he drove. This EPP quilt is almost finished...well, the TOP is almost finished. This has been IN PROGRESS for over 6 years. It's time to finish it!

Once we got home I worked on scraps a little...cutting strips into 2-1/2" squares.
I just didn't feel like getting on the floor to finish pin basting...maybe in the morning....

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

And here comes February

January seems like it FLEW out of here doesn't it? It was a good month for cleaning up scraps, getting some UFOs off the list and adding one or two on. Two UFOs were finished...That feels good....but adding on more?...well I shouldn't have but I'm a quilter so that goes with the territory!

This colorful scrappy Trip Around The World above is going to be completely made with scraps that are cut into 2-1/2" strips and saved in a strip box. Problem was I couldn't close the lid so I needed to start these blocks to get some room in there. It'll be a fun bright beach/picnic quilt some day.

So last night I was determined to finish up with January's scrap color (purple) quilt. It has it's borders...pointing out seemed to be the vote...and now it's ready for finishing. I'm going to put it in the closet while I finish up other things. 

So at www.patchworktimes UFO #9 was chosen for us to work on in February. On my list that is a black and white and aqua quilt I'm making for my brother. WELL his birthday is February 13th! Seems like a double challenge. Can I finish it up in time? No idea but it's on! Challenge accepted:)

Then our new scrappy color was chosen ...this month will be sea green....or this color! Time to dig through all those scraps and strips. I'll be adding blocks of this color to all my rainbow challenge blocks.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...