Friday, December 23, 2016

Modern Farmhouse Winter Mug Rug

One last fun sewing day before Christmas so I played around with a new pattern for a winter mug rug.

It went together quickly. My daughter suggested a pocket for a demitasse you go Jenn!

I'll put the pattern out after Christmas. 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Another Scrap Quilt

Yes I definitely have a problem...started ANOTHER quilt. You know, I just get bored so easily and have all these ideas floating around in my head...and I think, I'll just try a few blocks to see how something will look. And before ya know it I'm halfway into a new quilt. ....ahhh well....

So I was cutting up scraps....loads of them....organizing....boxing up...
These just CALLED out to me! HSTs in low volume and colorful scraps....just couldn't resist.

So my new quilt is almost all cut...most of the HSTs are stitched and I have 11 of the 14 rows put together. And my sewing room is TRASHED....
Guess I better stop and clean till after Christmas....soon...just a few more pieces...well, maybe after this next row.....
Yup, I have a problem.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fall civil war scrap quilt top FINISHED!

Yay! Another quilt top done!
The final border is done and on....and it feels finished. I've been adding more and more borders hoping one of them will give me that FINISHED feeling. This is it. And it's a good size... About 80" square. 

Time to baste and quilt.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...