Friday, July 26, 2013

Still working on my Judie R. quilt

I've been working on my entry for the Judie Rothermel quilt contest for quite a while now. The most stressful part is over and now I'm quilting it. With it having to be finished by July 31st, this is now the home stretch. There's still a name to give it (besides the name I call it now.. can't use THAT ;).
Yesterday I took a 1/2 day break from it and made the doll quilt below. It's really small, not much larger than a placemat but I needed to work with different colors for a bit. These were scraps from a project I was doing a few months ago. I cut triangles using my Tri-Rec tool (which I LOVE). Reminds me of sailboats on the water....
Here's a little peak at my Judie quilt. As you can tell, I'm right in the middle of quilting, and actually deciding on the quilt design as I go along. With any luck it'll be ready for binding by the end of tomorrow.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Working on a hexagons and a competition quilt

I've been very busy working on my Judie Rothermel 25th anniversary competition quilt. I'm putting together the final two blocks that make up the quilt center and then I'll be ready to start borders. It needs to be completely done (quilted and bound) by the end of July. I can't show a picture of it but here's a picture of what else I've been doing....

Daughter Jenn wants to make a hexi quilt using 1" papers. Whenever I have a little spare time, or when I'm tired of machine sewing, I work on some of these. She wants a large variety of fabrics but mostly muted or dull. My scraps from the civil war quilts work well. She's going to set them like this... with a white or cream between each "flower". It's going to a pretty one!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More shipshewana quilts

Here's a few more quilts from the Shipshewana show.

 And these were in the car museum... quilts done using Penny Haren patterns and books. These gave me great ideas for the settings of my farmer's wife blocks.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...