Saturday, June 29, 2013

Shipshewana Quilt Show

Today Al and I took a one day run down to Shipshewana... about 4-1/2 hours south of us. It was the final day of the quilt show and shop hop. I didn't do the hop since I had Al with me and we had so many places to go (car show to keep him happy) including a few quilt shops, and many antique shops.
I took pictures of quite a few quilts and am going to post some today, some tomorrow. Most have a close-up with them so that you can see the beautiful quilting and details. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

And some more Petoskey Michigan Quilt Show

Here's some more pictures from the Little Traverse Bay Quilt Guild show in Petoskey Michigan... last weekend. I still haven't figured out how to get the close-ups off my camera's memory... haven't found a cord to transfer them to the computer... maybe when I get to Traverse City this weekend, I'll find one. In the meantime... enjoy!

 This one above is a friend's quilt... she used Kaffe fabrics and calls it her "porch" quilt... very soft and pretty!
 This booth was set up as a memorial to a quilter that passed away this past year.  A few of the quilters in our guild finished up some of her UFOs.
Check out the dollhouse quilt! It was adorable... and I love the apple core quilt. That's on my "someday" list.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Petoskey Quilt Show.. more pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the Little Traverse Bay Quilt Guild Show in Petoskey. I did a really dumb thing on Saturday. I went around to take some close-ups of some of my favorite quilts. Didn't realize that the memory card was not in my camera... SO...I don't have a way to transfer them to my blog.
Al said he would go to Radio Shack or Best Buy and see if he could find a USB cord that would fit my camera so that I could transfer them. When he finds the cord, I'll upload the close-ups... the quilting and detail to many of these is amazing!
These pictures below were on my camera's card... taken Friday... so those are the ones I'm posting. Lots of beautiful quilts at the show!

More to come...... tomorrow or later today.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Little Traverse Bay Quilt Guild Show in Petoskey

 It's the last few minutes of day one at the quilt show here in Petoskey Michigan. This is our booth... Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop from Charlevoix. We did really well today. Lots of interest in the red and white block of the month. I did a demo using the Circle Savvy Ruler from Creative Grids. Sure makes doing Drunkard's Path EASY!
 Thought I would show you some of the quilts in the show.... I'll post some more tomorrow. The one above in red won SIX ribbons. A blue ribbon for the quilt, a blue ribbon for the quilter, Judges Choice for quilting, Judges choice for the quilt, Viewer's Choice for quilting and Viewer's Choice for the quilt. Congrats Jan!

This outdoor wall quilt was amazing! I don't usually go for this type but I absolutely loved this one.
 The blue quilt (above on the right) won best of show. Very nice work... I'll take a close-up tomorrow.
 A friend who's nickname is Chic, made this wall quilt. Perfect.
This quilt just spoke to me... It's not as large as I would like it but it was so striking... colors were wonderful... wish the camera could capture that better.
Lots more coming tomorrow.................

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Another Mondo bag... and my last I think

This is the third Mondo bag I've made and will probably be the last.. Time to make a different bag... I have quite a few cute bag patterns that I'm hoping to try out. I made this for daughter Jenn who is using it as a beach bag. Good idea!

This weekend is our guild's quilt show in Petoskey. If you're in the area on Friday or Saturday, stop into the fair grounds and visit us. I'll be working with the vendors at the Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop booth. I'll be doing a demo of a couple of NIFTY rulers so stop and say "Hi". :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Flowers from my sweetie

Usually I post my quilts or projects I'm working on but today I thought I would post the flowers that were delivered to me at work. Aren't these pretty? They were sent to me by my husband.... he hasn't done that in YEARS! What a nice surprise.

I finished up another Mondo bag and will be taking it to my daughter tomorrow. If I remember, I'll take a picture of her with it.

Also finished a set of blue and white floral pillow cases for our bedroom. I'm switching from yellows to blue and white. We have a dark sand carpet so either works. Two days ago I made a bedskirt out of navy/royal. I also bought new lamps and because I didn't like the silver bottoms (but loved the aqua glass), I'm painting the base a navy blue and washing it with a gray blue. About all the rooms needs now is a throw pillow or two out of some kind of blue and white. When it's all finished, I'll take a picture of that too.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Handwork at the hospital and at mom's

I've been spending a lot of time in waiting rooms lately and this is the project I always take along. It's all 60 degree diamonds put together using English paper piecing method.
Curious how long this takes? Well, hand stitching one star to the papers and then putting them together takes one hour... adding the white and attaching to the quilt is another hour. I have over 100 stars in it so far so that's over 200 hours... by the time I'm done it'll be 400+ hours and that's before hand quilting.

It started as a "Seven Sisters Star" quilt and then when my youngest daughter decided she wanted it, she said to just run all the star together. I separate the stars with a creamy white but don't have them grouped in 7s anymore. I'm using all 30's reproductions and some actual 30's.

Some of you that read my blog probably have seen this along the way... I think it's been about 5 years since I started it... and now it's about 1/2 way done. It will given to my youngest daughter when she gets married. I'll need to hand quilt it after all this hand work so hopefully she won't be getting married any time soon.

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...