Sunday, December 11, 2011

Grocery / Travel Tote Pattern GIVEAWAY!

This week I'm doing another giveaway. It's to introduce my new pattern:

The GO GREEN Grocery Tote!

This stitches up VERY quick... just over an hour and you'll have both the tote and the storage pouch.

The two can be made using only a 1/2 yard of fabric.

I sometimes add an extra strip of a coordinating color to accent the top facing.

Fold the tote into quarters then roll it up and put it into the pouch.

Nice and convenient. Pack it into your luggage when you go on a trip... you know... for all that fabric you buy ;) Keep a few in your car or purse for unexpected trips to get groceries... you know you want to be GREEN!

And what a great extra something to tuck into a gift for someone.

Leave me a comment on my blog and you'll be entered into the random draw. I'll have the internets RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR do the drawing.

If anyone wants to purchase the pattern, Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop has it or email me at

So what am I giving away? The pattern of course... a half yard of fabric to make the bag... the interfacing needed... the drawstring AND the locking device.

You'll get a complete kit! Drawing will be next SUNDAY... December 18th... GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New happennings up here in northern Michigan...

OHHHH.... where to begin this time?....

Yup, daughter Jenn and soon to be son-in-law Jon, went on a cruise to Greece, Italy, Turkey...and a bunch of islands.. and they came back engaged! Her sweetheart of a guy suprised her with a proposal on the Greece island of Santorini. They rented a smart car and cruised around the island seeing the sights. They stopped by one picturesque cliff overlooking a church, he set the camera to video (she didn't know this) and proposed to her. I haven't had a chance to see the video but she said she was surprised, confused and well... SAID YES :D Before they left on the trip he asked us permission to marry her and we gave our blessing. Of course, it goes without saying that we love him.

So the plans are for a fall wedding.. August/Sept of 2012. I have to get stitching! I promised her a wedding quilt of her choice. She picked a pattern from Quiltmania using Moda Martinque.

I'm collecting as much as I can for it. If I need more to add to it, I'll use some of Moda's Etchings. This is a line that came into the shop, Hearts To Holly, a few weeks ago that will work well with it. It has some of the same aquas and grays. Okay, so another new addition to our family was Charlie Boy. Daughter Lisa has adopted a sweet kitty and named him Charlie. His formal name is Charles Eames (can you tell she's a fan of his?) We bought him a catnip mouse for Thanksgiving that he seems to enjoy. I'm allergic to cats so I can't pet him or I'll be itching and scratching for forever. Sure wish I could, he looks so soft and cuddly.

Well, that's all of the news for now... I'm WAY behind on Xmas sewing. I have a dozen projects I'd like to finish up and hardly any time to do it. I can see some late nights in the sewing room coming up.

AND then there's the baking. I do a cookie trade with my brothers that live in CA. We swap cookies for seafood. Got to get making those.

Still have some Xmas decorating to do... Xmas cards and letters to write out...Still have some presents to shop for... ahhhh....

Don't you just LOVE this time of year!?!

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...