Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop in QUILT SAMPLER soon!

Have you ever seen a more charming quilt shop?! Well this is Hearts to Holly in Charlevoix Michigan and they're going to be in the Spring Summer 2011 QUILT SAMPLER!!! All of us quilters from the area are so proud of Mike, Sue and they're daughters.
One daughter designed the beautiful quilt (shown behind Mike and Sue) using Moda's new Charlevoix line of fabric designed by Minick and Simpson. This is the quilt that will be in the sampler and kits are already selling like hotcakes.
So how great is this? A "Charlevoix" line of fabric coming out at the same time as the Charlevoix quilt shop getting well deserved national recognition.

I heard from Sue yesterday that she has the WHOLE line of Charlevoix fabrics in now... ALL 40 of them!! I need to get my order in fast.
Hearts to Holly is on facebook so stop by and tell them congrats :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today Al and I went to downtown Mesa to shop around in the antique stores. I didn't have anything in particular I wanted but I was on the lookout for any sewing/quilting items. I found this wonderful old quilt for ...guess... $39!!!!! It needs some minor repair but for the most part is in fantastic condition. The back is lavender... brighter in some areas, faded in others. Its hand quilted but the best part is all the old vintage fabrics. Most seem to be 50's era... lots of cute atomic designs, birds, dots, and plaids. I'm taking it back to the house and soak it for a bit then set it out on the porch to dry. I think it has maybe 5 pieces that are worn right through and need to be replaced but since it's scrappy, that won't be a problem. I bought some vintage polka dot plus another old (50's era) fabric at the local goodwill. I'd like to get right to work on repairing this.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Amish Block Swap and walking around Arizona

I finished up my two blocks for the Amish Block Swap we were doing on BC. If anyone was a member of BC and is wondering what happened, contact me and I'll let you know where we are meeting. BC is still down and we're not sure if it will ever be up again. In the meantime Dorene has set up a Yahoo group so that we can all chat and do our swaps. This is the block that I've made for the Amish swap. I designed it myself... might be something similar out there. I wanted a block that had the feeling of an amish quilt in block size.
Drawing of the winning names will be coming up soon.... first of Feb! Good luck!
This is me walking around my BIL's subdivision by Superstition Mountain. Al and I are trying to walk everyday and so far are doing well. There sure are some beautiful homes out here. We've been checking out the more modern versions of desert southwest. Hoping to get some ideas for our new home in Michigan..... IF ours ever sells. I don't have a problems with it never selling since I really love the place we're at right now. But if it does, then I'm ready to design something totally different from anything I've ever done before. VERY modern, clean lines and small. What am I going to do with my huge collection of fabric, you ask? OK, not THAT small :) Got to have a big sewing room no matter what. I can live with two bedrooms, a smaller kitchen, smaller great room, etc but I have to have my large sewing area and walk in fabric closet.
My hand is still in a splint and typing is very hard to do. It's getting better, the swelling has gone down somewhat and that's the reason I did a little sewing. And I hope the little bit I did doesn't hurt the progress I've made. I'm just dying to work in my Dr. Suess quilt... I've drawn it up and now I need to do some cutting. Today Al and I are out at an outside mall (I'm in Starbucks getting coffee and wi-fi) where we'll get him some socks and underwear plus get some walking in. I'm going to take some pictures of a fountain they have here... it's so cool... it's a fireplace with a waterfall in front of it! I would love to design one of these for the new house... maybe in the yard?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

After days in bed...

Well, I'm finally back up out of bed. Not quite sure what it is that I get when I come down here to AZ but seems every year, I pick up a bug on the way down or have an allergy to something down here. Anyways, I've been in bed for the last 4 or so days. I'm up today... Al wanted to go to the Barrett-Jackson auction so I told him that I would drop him off. That gives me ALL day to hit the shops :)

I know you are all thinking I'm out fabric shopping but SURPRISE, I'm not. I went out to the clothing stores to get some walking shoes, knit pants and sleeveless tops. We've decided to go to the gym everyday to work out ... hasn't happenned because I was sick but starting tomorrow it will. I didn't bring much to wear to a gym. Most of my spring/summer clothes were getting pretty sad. I lucked out, found some great sales and got everything I needed. So now I'm relaxing at a bakery (no treats, I don't want to have to work off any more pounds than the ones wrapped around my waist right now) and having a chance to get online.

As I was wandering around the web today, I found a really cute site with a bird block. I'm planning on making this one. It's just too cute. Here's a link to it...
I guess break time is over... I need to continue shopping. We still need some baking supplies so that I can make Al some cookies tonight.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We're back in Arizona

Al and I have arrived in WONDERFUL Arizona... it's sooooo nice and warm! We got a call from DD2 this morning and she told us we missed out on 5+ inches of snow... OH DARN! LOL It's high 60's here and sunny. We are all unpacked and have my temporary sewing room all set up. I need to get to work on a few swaps that I haven't mailed out yet. Rebecca, your scrappy strip blocks are first :)

This is a picture of the quilt I made for my mom and dad for Christmas. It's all out of brushed cotton (flannel?) with a poly batting. It's so nice and warm. I made one for Mom & Dad and one for Al & I. Ours is home in the lqs... a sample until next year. So far this is my favorite lap quilt. It was easy and very cozy.

I took a picture of the mitten that my daughter, Jenn, is making. She made two lefts using this wool so she gave me one and we both made a right to go with the other. This is a super simple pattern. Jenn and I also made Lisa a set also using some cute orange and gray stripe.

Well, today Al and I are going to head out to get the oil changed on the truck. It needs it after all those miles. Then we are off to shop a bit... get some walking in (all those Christmas pounds need to get burned up!) and maybe barbeque some dinner.
Got to say a quick hi to mom and dad and wish dad a

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cookies and Tea at Mom's

We've begun our yearly trip south and the first stop is at mom and dad's house. It's rough spending the night here... all we do is chat and eat and shop. YUP, it's rough :) I'm working at the computer and was brought tea and cookies... got to keep up my strength, ya know. Yes, I plan to eat all of those!

We went to a quilt shop in Berkley this afternoon. I've never stopped at this one but Lisa (our DD2) recommended it to me. She said they carry lots of Kaffe and I LOVE that. I bought a little... not too much because we have lots more stops to make.

After shopping for fabric we out to a middle eastern resturant for hummus, beef barley soup, baklava (Mmmmm!) and smoothies. Yummy. We had a chance to visit with Lisa and bf, Josh for a bit. I also stopped at a Salvation Army store and found a real FIND. I'm collecting Fiesta and happenned to find 4 lime green mugs in NEW condition. (5.99 for 4). Can't beat those prices. Also bought a bunch of books to read... those were only 5/$1. Can you tell this is one of my favorite places to shop? Aside from being a GREEN thing to do, it's great for my wallet :)

So tomorrow Al and I start heading south, out of Michigan. But we won't be leaving the snow if you can believe the weathermen. Looks like we'll be driving in it for the next few days... all the way into New Mexico. We will be getting up at the crack of dawn (as usual) to head out. Al planned this so that we don't have to worry about Detroit and Chicago morning work traffic. Well, my tea is getting cold and there's some cookies here calling my name......

Monday, January 3, 2011

BIG, BIG NEWS... favorite quilt shop in Quilt Sampler Magazine!!

Well, 2011 is going to be a great year... I can just tell :)

Now that's it's January, those of us that work at the Charlevoix quilt shop, Hearts to Holly, can announce that we will be in the spring issue of QUILT SAMPLER as one of the top 10 shops!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all so excited. It's been a super busy fall and winter getting ready for this. Sue, the owner, has a party going on all day today at the quilt shop. She has some wonderful discounts, cake and punch and of course fantastic fabrics!

I bought some Dr. Seuss FQs this morning, plus a layer cake of "Charlevoix" fabric from Minick and Simpson:

The Charlevoix fabric line (Moda) will be the fabric used in her quilt that will be in the magazine... of course :) She is taking pre-orders for the kit and listen to this... It comes with a signed copy of the magazine, the pattern (designed by Sue's daughter), all the Charlevoix fabric AND a custom label with a picture of the quilt shop on it (Sue's daughter is an artist and did a beautiful drawing of the shop). Anyone that wants in on a kit (there's a limited number) can call Sue at Hearts to Holly (231-547-2729) and reserve it. It uses mostly creams, blues and deep reds. Perfect for summer.

She's also taking orders for Charlevoix fabric by the yard. If anyone needs jelly rolls, charm square packs or layer cakes, she has those now but they're going FAST!


You deserve this honor. All of us that frequent your shop feel more like family than customers. The town would not be the same without all that you and your family do.

And... Last but certainly not least, my background for this blog is my Christmas gift from a wonderful online friend. I took it with me to the shop this morning to show it off. Isn't it pretty? It looks so nice on the wall in the aqua bedroom. Thank you again, Rebecca. Al and I both love it :)

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...