Friday, May 28, 2010
Another round robin border completed!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Working on round robins and pincushions
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Pin cushion Exchange

Monday, May 24, 2010
Working on a summer COVERLET
They have the nicest FQ packs of solids I've seen.
Gwen Marston is going to be having summer classes and a retreat up here in northern MI and this year I heard it will be using solids.... I've got to get signed up for a class! And check out this book of hers... Liberated Quiltmaking II . You can see some of her wonderful quilts at I sound like an advertisment for her but I think she's very talented and has a great eye for color.
One Pincushion done... THREE to go....
I shrunk the pattern down from 14" to this which is about 9". I think I'll shrink the pattern a bit more for the next one. It still seems a bit big to me. The only problem I may have with shrinking it some more is being able to work with such small pieces. BUT, I'm going to give it a try. PLUS, wool is so expensive, I would like to use less of it per pincushion.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Working on Pincushions for swaps
I have the base picked out... I had Al cut the base off a candleholder and am going to glue this to it. Right now I'm working on getting all the little decorations attached to the main part of the pineapple. Tomorrow I'll add the top leaves and glue on the base. I'm using old buttons to decorate the pineapple instead of beads... mainly because I don't have many beads at home but I have LOADS of old buttons. Well, back to work.....
Friday, May 21, 2010
Possibly 1800's Fabric?!!!
Most of the fabrics are 30's and 40's which is wonderful... I just love that era and am going to enjoy making a quilt to show these off. I may work a few into my "seven sister's" quilt... it would be nice to have some REAL 30's mixed in.... and the quilt is going to be totally handmade so I'll feel I've done them justice. Not sure if it will get finished in MY lifetime... I'm really not all that quick at hand quilting!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My BIRTHDAY came early!!
How cute are these dancing kittens?!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day Weekend
Mom and I went out to see "The Backup Plan"... it is definately a women's movie... don't think any guys would enjoy it. It had a few good laughs that I think only someone who has already had children would appreciate. It's not going to win any awards but it was entertaining and mom and I enjoyed it ... We went to BIG BOY's afterwards and had strawberry sundaes and tea...mmmm, then off to Borders to look at cooking magazines (her) and quilt books (me). We got home just in time to turn on the RED WING'S GAME. Very depressing though... Al stayed up to watch a good portion of the game but since we were leaving at 6am (he had to be at work at 11am), he couldn't see it all. He said it was a good thing he didn't try... they lost :(
Monday, May 3, 2010
What a BEAUTIFUL day!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Civil War Block
I also worked on the signature block swap going on at Quilt and Needle. We are each making 23 little (3-1/2") signature blocks and then swapping with each other. I finished the sewing and just have to sign them. I'm not sure what I'll make when mine get home... maybe a tiny quilt for my sewing room... maybe a tote for taking to Chatter Time.
Later tonight I hope to work on some pillows that are going to someone special from our "chatter time" group. We all worked on blocks for her and turned it into a quilt and now we are making a couple of pillows and a pillow sham to complete the set. I know she's going to love this... it's all turning out REALLY nice. I'll take pictures after she receives it.
March rainbow block
The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...

I've started a new quilt! AGAIN! BUT, this time I finished a quilt before I began a new one so I feel okay about it. This is the start...
I just designed a little boys sailboat quilt and thought I would share it with everyone. Email me if you're confused about any part of i...