Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another quilt idea from the Phoenix show

While wandering around the show yesterday, I spotted this quilt that would be a great way to use our batik strips. It's an easy 4 patch star center. My friend pointed out that the points don't touch so that there is no matching of points... makes it SO EASY! And the border is strip friendly also!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Phoenix Quilt Craft Sew

Here's a great quilt idea to use our 30's strips from BC. I have this diamond template at home. It's a beauty! I love the soft white they used with this... kind of a creamy white and a nice buttercup yellow border.
The strips looked to be about 1" (1-1/2 unfinished). It was at a booth selling sewing machines ...not sure what pattern it is.

We had a great time at the show ... I bought LOTS of fabrics there, and at other quilt stores afterwards. I went to the show with a friend that knows the area. She drove us to a bunch of shops before and after the show. Put quite a dent in the checking account! I may not have money for food for the next few weeks but I'll be able to sew up a storm :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I finished the little girl quilt for Al's cousin's daughter. Not the best picture but today was rainy and overcast... the house was too dark and outside wasn't much better. Check off one more project!!
My next project is to finish up the quilt for my BIL... almost done with that.. Plus I have quite a few swaps to make things for. We are doing a scrappy strip block swap on BC and I need to make a block for that right away. I'm making 5 little pinwheel blocks for a baby quilt on Q&N, and adding a border to a black and white medallion (also from Q&N).

Monday, January 25, 2010

A few more Quilt Show Pictures

This is the BEST of SHOW Quilt.... What a beauty!
I love this star pattern.

This one was made by a friend of mine. The black pieces between the braid colors are ribbons... LOTS of work in this one!

I voted for this one for viewers choice. I love orange peel and pickle dish patterns. They are both on my SOMEDAY list.

Not too many quilted clothing items but there was this... LOL!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Quilt Show in Tucson, Arizona

The show was wonderful... Lots of quilt and lots of vendors. I bought a few pieces of batik to add to my collection. I found one wonderful batik quilt that I loved but the picture came out kind of fuzzy so Im not posting it.
I just loved this quilt... so striking and wouldn't it be perfect for Christmas? I may have to start setting aside dark green and dark reds.

I love applique! Beautiful work!

Chocolate bunnies!! How cute!

Wouldn't this be a perfect pattern to use our 30's strips? I have a pineapple ruler at home. I'd like to give this one a try... maybe make a summery table runner? hmmmm....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain!

This is a picture from yesterday as we were leaving my BILs house... check out the Superstition Mountains! Aren't they beautiful with the low clouds? It's been raining cats and dogs here lately and today the roads are all flooding. We're going to spend some time inside... at the library, shopping then at home sewing. I would like to finish up quilting the childs quilt today... tomorrow is the Tucson Quilt show :) I'll be sure to take some pics.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I picked up a really cute, girly package of charms at the quilt store out here in Mesa... there's some owls, turtles, flowers, abcs. I'm working on a quilt quilt for Al's cousin's daughter. She's about three and if I remember right, when my girls were little the favorite color was pink. Im doing kind of a happy block with a border of pink around that and then going to do white sashing with little squares in all the corners. It's getting a yellow flannel backing. Sure is fun working with this color after working with so much beige and brown.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Quilt shop in Mesa

We're in Mesa, AZ shopping in this cute quilt store. I found a few pink Moda pieces for a little girls quilt I need to make for Al's cousin's daughter. Yup, that's Al being the sweet, patient guy he is. He even helped to choose some of the fabrics.

Al and I have been walking every morning here... the weather is WONDERFUL! Of course, almost anything would be wonderful compared to the Michigan weather we left behind.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What a BEAUTIFUL place! We were in Sedona and Flagstaff Arizona today... wandering around checking out the awesome views. Lots of snow in this area... at least in the mountains. The temps were very mild once we got to the town of Sedona. I hit the local quilt shop of course. I found a few VERY good things. The first was a blue/purple snow flake fabric that I have searched EVERYWHERE for. They only had 30" left on the bolt but at least I have some. (Rebecca, do you need any more?)Then I found 2 cute 30's prints for the swap on BC. Finally bought a few yards of a white solid fabric. It's a Kona and the color is SNOW! Perfect :)

Al and I have arrived in Phoenix and are relaxing at a coffee shop that will probably become my home away from home ... they have free internet and the yummy cookies. (I still have a few of the ones Jenell made for me but they are going FAST!) She made some with crushed peppermint candies in them that are SO GOOD! They weather here is a beautiful 72 degrees. Can't complain about that at all.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

YES! The top is finished!

Finished the quilt top today!!! I'm so happy to have this much done and out of the way. Im planning on basting it tonight and then I'll pack it up to take with us when we head south. My brother-in-law won't be coming down to Phoenix until Easter so I have plenty of time to get the quilting done.
I planning on taking my sewing machine, lots of projects and lots of books. Quilting and binding this should keep me busy for the first few weeks. After that, I have an americana star pillow kit that I got for Christmas, to put together. That's going to be fun.... plus pillowcases for the swap on Blockcentral.....the Ugly challenge project for The Quilt and Needle. I don't think I'm going to be bored!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Joe's Southwest Quilt

Here is my brother-in-law's quilt so far. I wanted a southwest/native american look for his quilt. His house is near the mountains in Arizona and is decorated in a dark mission style. I think this will suit it. This quilt needs one more (12") border and it will be ready to quilt. Hopefully, by Wednesday I will be quilting it.... I want to take it with us when we head down to his house next weekend. Can it be done???... LOL.. we shall see...

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...