Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Starting another round robin...

Here's my medallion for the quilt and needle round robin. This is going to be Al's quilt when it's finished. He really likes the southwest look like I'm doing for his brother. I found this horse pattern online for free at www.fatcatpatterns.com. Thanks, Sally! There were loads a great choices but this is the one Al like the best. It was his idea to put it on point but I don't think that's going to be a problem. I'm in a group with some REALLY talented quilters. I can't wait to get started on it.

Have a great NEW YEARS everyone!

Working on Jenn's Chair

This is the old "UGLY" blue chair that I'm working on for Jennifer. She needs a nice chair for her new apartment. We're covering over the old blue and putting on a soft cream (I know it looks white in these pics). There aren't any arms to it so it's pretty simple.
Al and I are going to TRY to put it in the trunk of the car tomorrow and deliver it to her.. I don't have a finished picture. I KNOW I took one but for some reason it's not on the camera. Maybe it didn't click when I pushed the button. I'm happy with how it turned out...she wanted clean and simple. She has a very busy pillow to put on it. I'll see if I can get a picture at her apartment tomorrow.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!

I wanted to show all of you a BEAUTIFUL present I received from my good friend Rebecca! I planned to save it until I got to Arizona but... well... it was just too pretty to not use. Don't you just LOVE it?! Rebecca, I've gotten DOZEN of complements on it. The other rolled up gift next to the purse is a kit from her to make a pillow to go with my Americana quilt. I'm packing that up to take with me on the trip so that I have a nice fun project to work on. It looks so pretty wrapped up that I had to rewrap it after I peeked inside :) I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful friend!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!! I'm still doing last minute cooking and baking but hope to be done soon. Lisa is on her way home. It's a four hour drive for her and the weather is not being very nice. She is leaving early to avoid the sleet and ice storm that is coming later today. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cookie Time

Today was another baking day. Since I gave cookies as presents to half of my family, I need to bake for us. We love our gingerbread men the most. I made a few dozen of those.
Now I need to start the sugar cookies. Those make a HUGE mess because of all the sprinkles ... I always seem to end up with sugar sprinkles all over the floor. Guess I'm just a messy baker!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Quilt for my brother in law...

Here you go, Rebecca. This is a picture of the quilt top as it is right now. I'm out of the blue print that is in the V's so I finished the three sides that I had enough for. Now I need to wait... I hope the fabric comes quickly. This quilt is supposed to be done in mid January to take to AZ with us. I still have at least two borders to go.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Online shopping today...

Today was a productive day for me in the sewing room. I added another border to my BIL's quilt. Then I started the one after that and got about 1/2 way when I realized I needed more of one of the Moda southwest fabrics... WELL, this is a fabric I bought LAST winter on our trip down south. Lucky for me, I found it online and ON SALE at www.thevirginiaquilter.com. This is the first time I've shopped this site and I liked what I found. They have some wonderful sale fabrics and shipping is CHEAP! Only $2.50 shipping for my yard of fabric (which was $6). This worked out to be less than a yard of fabric at the LQS! I'm a happy camper :) Just hope it gets here quickly so that I can finish up the next border.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

So this is what the drive was like the last hour home... NOT GOOD!
Pulling into our driveway? Where the heck is it?!!!

We wore tennis shoes and flats... who expected this? The weather was BEAUTIFUL when we left... what the heck happened? That's Al walking ahead of me with our overnight bag... Im trying to follow in his footsteps so that I don't get a shoefull of snow... I looked like I was out making snow angels by the time I got to the house :)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas............

We've been in downstate Michigan for the last few days (and Ohio) getting a new used car for my youngest daughter, Lisa. She loves Volvos so we've been searching for the perfect car for her. Not only does it need to be reasonable (CHEAP) it needs to be the right model, the right year, the right color... yeah, a piece of cake! So Al found one in Ohio... just 4-1/2 hours south of Lisa (who is 4 hours south of us). We drove down to the Detroit area, spent the night at moms, took off before dawn to drive down to see this "perfect" car in Ohio, buy it, and drive back to the Detroit area so that she could still make it to work on time... what a rush trip! The next day she had school so we took her "new" car to a mechanic just to make sure all was okay with it before we left town. This took all day but gave me a chance to shop for fabric (found some batiks!). The car checked out ... they thought we had gotten a GREAT deal so Al's happy, Lisa's happy and that makes me HAPPY!

The trip gave me LOTS of time to sew on the road. I finished the mountains and cactus on the center of my BIL's quilt. Now that I'm home I'll add the next part which is sort of a Native American design. It's snowing right now... has been all day and all last night... we're supposed to get 1-2 FEET! ..(humming).....it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.....

March rainbow block

The color for March is yellow, for the rainbow scrap challenge. These are really large blocks (18”) so I’m only doing one a month. I’ve deci...